adding aircraft in 2004 with win7



Is adding aircraft in 2004 with windows 7 the same as with XP?
Is adding aircraft in 2004 with windows 7 the same as with XP?

Yes and No

If you installed FS9 to some place other than the Default path to FS9 then every thing will work OK.

If you installed FS9 to the default path to FS9 then you will have problems.

The reason is the Built in security that is assigned to the Default "Programs Files" folder on the C drive. Any programs installed to this folder require Admin privileges to make any kind change. This will give you all kinds of Grief when you try and add paints or make changes to .cfg files.

The best thing to do is install FS9 to a new folder on the C Drive.

I use C:\flightsim\FS9

Programs installed out side of the default "Programs Files" do not have the same problems with security.
I was under the impression that it was UAC causing those issues, and that UAC was user-configurable? I have it OFF on my Vista setup, and no probs whatsoever; Just got the windows7 upgrade....will prob have to shut it off again lol
Yes and No

If you installed FS9 to some place other than the Default path to FS9 then every thing will work OK.

If you installed FS9 to the default path to FS9 then you will have problems.

The reason is the Built in security that is assigned to the Default "Programs Files" folder on the C drive. Any programs installed to this folder require Admin privileges to make any kind change. This will give you all kinds of Grief when you try and add paints or make changes to .cfg files.

The best thing to do is install FS9 to a new folder on the C Drive.

I use C:\flightsim\FS9

Programs installed out side of the default "Programs Files" do not have the same problems with security.
Thank you
I was under the impression that it was UAC causing those issues, and that UAC was user-configurable? I have it OFF on my Vista setup, and no probs whatsoever; Just got the windows7 upgrade....will prob have to shut it off again lol

How do you do that?
Under user accounts...there is a tab for User account control (you must be the admin on the computer)...simply go in and shut it off. No more issues.
Under user accounts...there is a tab for User account control (you must be the admin on the computer)...simply go in and shut it off. No more issues.

Thank you , I moved 2004 and CFS3 out of the programs files folder and was abile to add repaints and aircraft with no problem.

If you moved them, now the registry entries are wrong and add-ons that rely on the registry entries will not work properly.

If you moved them, now the registry entries are wrong and add-ons that rely on the registry entries will not work properly.

Which for either is not a problem.

You can manually edit the registry entries or for FS9/FSX you can use the FS Registry Repair tool.

Path to FS9

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\flight simulator\9.0]
"EXE Path"="C:\Flightsim\FS9\fs9.exe\" <---- your path will vary

CFS 3 should be the same. I don't have it installed right now.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Combat flight simulator\3.0]
"EXE Path"="C:\Flightsim\FS9\fs9.exe\" <--- your path will vary

If you don't know how to edit your registry read up on it first its not that difficult but if you do it wrong you can botch your whole PC.

Turning off UAC is not the proper thing to do. It can lead to more problems down the road. UAC in W7 is not as problematic in as it was in Vista.

I have had no real issues with it at all.

The key is to not install programs to the Default Programs folder.

I have three main folders that I install programs to.


  • fs9
  • fsx
  • GW3
  • FS Military Wings


  • Any programs directly related to FS9 or FSX ie SDK Tools


  • All non FS Related programs
Setting up my PC this way prevents me from needing to turn off UAC and keeps my PC safer.

I have full access to these programs at all times.

Remember with Vista and W7 even though your account might be listed as the Admin you are not logged in as an Admin for normal computer use. You only have permission to invoke Admin rights. That happens though UAC.

If you turn off UAC you are now running with out the need to invoke Admin rights and God help you if you ingest a virus or malware. There will be no layer to help protect you when it takes over your PC.

If you moved them, now the registry entries are wrong and add-ons that rely on the registry entries will not work properly.

All the aircraft that I have added were done by hand. Any add-ans I can tell them where the file is.
All the aircraft that I have added were done by hand. Any add-ans I can tell them where the file is.

You may still have problems using multi-player and/or some of the more complex add-ons that rely on the registry entries to get connected to FS.
The registry repair tool that Dave linked to is a good way to get things straightened out and pointed in the right direction.

As for the suggestion to turn off UAC. I agree with Dave that turning off UAC can cause more security problems than is worth to make it easier to edit things.
UAC is a pretty good security system from keeping unwanted changes by trojans or Virii from happening...even if it is a pain to do an admin level workaround on stuff that you're working on yourself.
Of course, if you install programs outside of the "controlled" folders those programs are still susceptible to getting nailed by a virus (or a fumble-fingered user edit) but it's about the best compromise available to keep programs that you tweak a lot (like FlightSim) easier to work with. As long as your system files are still protected, it's better than running your entire OS wide open.
I did run into a problom when I tryed to update WOP2 . So I delated all and started over. All is well for now(you know how these computers are).
Thank you everyone