Adding Aircraft to CFS3 Battle of Britain Add-on ?


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I have downloaded the wonderful Tiger Moth by Pat Pattle.

I would love to fly this in the Battle of Britain enviroment. If I add the aircraft will it cause a problem with spawns and then affect the campaigns?

And if i may another quick Question. Battle of Britain is the only add-on I have on CFS3. Can I put in ETO as well or will that cause problems with BoB?

Many Thanks
You can safely add the TM to your install Oliver. You can prevent an aircraft spawning completely by opening the xdp file in notepad and changing the setting AllowSpawn="n". Save and close it and then delete the .bdp file.

No problem to have muliple installs of CFS3. :) You'll need to run the 'MultiCFS3.exe' tool that comes with each one after installation. It's a good idea to keep an install of the stock game patched to 3.1a which is needed as a base for all of the versions.
Thanks for reply.

Will install tiger Moth today and then this evening have a shot at installing ETO!