Adding/Correcting towns into CFS3


Charter Member
Hi all,

I've finally gotten CFS3 to run the way I've always dreamed it would run. What a game!

I've got two questions:

1) I've noticed there are several very important historically significant towns missing - specifically in the Normandy region - namely Le Havre and some of the villages along Gold, Sword, and Juno Beaches.

2) Is it possible to reposition towns in the game to make these placements more historically accurate?

hi grover1,

the short answer is it isn't easy. The best but hardest way would be to create a new landclass (.lcf) file, but that is hard-core and few have the skills to do it. You could borrow Xjouve's new .lcf files from OFF, but they do not match up well at the shorelines with CFS3's standard terrain.

Or you could create the towns as large facilities, and place the facilities in the global_layer.csv file, just as you would a new airbase. By using a good urban texture, you could minimise the placement of actual buildings in the facility file. You would need to create a .mos file just as the airbase builders did for ETO and Pat's BoB.
