Adding Planes to MAW - Assistance



Can anyone tell me how to add an a/c model from FS2004 into MAW or I guess any CFS set-up?

There is a Caproni Ca 101 D2 posted for FS2004 that flew for the Italians in the late '30's, that I would like to see if I can get flying in MAW.

I'm not terribly tech savvy, but am familiar with moving/altering folders/files within the MS game entities.

Thanks in advance,
I'm not a modeller but I do know it's not as easy as moving files. I believe it's necessary to convert to CFS3 format files. There are chaps here who know how to this but not I!
Bottom line is, you can't use FS2004 planes in CFS3 on an end user base.
You would need the original model's source file and some special design and export software to convert it to CFS3 format and some extended knowledge of what you are doing.
It's basically the same as beginning to design on your own.