adding realtime weather to offline fs9 rig


Charter Member
my flightsim machine is offline--> the wireless cant reach through the fridge to my office. :-/

Can I DL a realtime weather file onto a memory stick on another machine and somehow get FS9 to read it on my offline rig?

Alternatively: are there collections of weather schemes available that can be added to the weather interface in FS9, as silverwings does?

thanks fellers,

You could do this if you purchased Active Skyv6.5 or Active Sky Advanced.
Alternatively, buy a long network cable and run it round the walls/doors as you need it. Plug it in when loading the weather, unplug when done.

I picked up a 10m cable from my local B&Q for a good price, ie. a hell of a lot cheaper than PC world. Try a local DIY store maybe, rather than a computer store, I've found them to be much cheaper for network cables.

Jamie far as weather themes go...they are available at the usual sites like avsim and flightsim.

Search with:
Weather Themes
MV challenge
Weather Scheme
FSMetar is excellent IMO.

Use the VATSIM server to download your's quicker than NOAA. The IVAO server doesn't work with FSMetar anymore.
(FSMetar/Download metars from internet/IVAO Server or VATSIM Server or NOAA Server)

If you're gaming rig is offline then you can use your online computer and go to:
Right click one or multiples of these metar text files and save.
Transfer the text file(s) to your gaming rig.
Start FS9.....wait until loaded and you are at airport of choice.
Start FSMetar.
Click FSMetar/Open Metars File (be sure "Metars/On-line Metars Update" is unchecked).
Select one of the metar text files.
The Current Metar box will fill in....Minimize FSMetar
Go fly........(the weather will change, if it is different, as you reach the different weather stations)

note: you can Save metars as well from an online FS9 ride.
loaded fsmetar, loaded the metar file, and went for a flight, Fab-U-Lous.
Tried tillamook airship sheds....great clouds and mist, same for engish channel!

now for the Diaz cloudset.

I love downloads, fast updates of the weather in sim...and the price is perfect (free).
