adding suspension animation in modelconverterx


Charter Member
I am having trouble with adding landing gear suspension animation to kazunori ito's G222 transport with modelconverterx.

Could someone help me with this process of animating the suspension of the landing gear?
Hi BvA,
Unfortunately you cannot add an 'extension' ani to the uc. Ito-san did not model ani frames 100-200, which are the suspension frames for FSDS. And MCX cannot add these in. Having said that, it may be possible(??) to use one of the MCX user defined added ani's, but I really don't think so.

That animation wizard part of MCX is for re-assigning ani's to another already fully animated part, of changing an already fully modelled ani in a small way, and as said before Ito-san did not model the suspension in.



This is no longer true, but it won't be easy. You'll need a recent version of MCX for this. In the Hierarchy Editor, find the part you want to animate. Right click on the #Transformation on the right (note the #), and choose Add Animation. Add the keyframes (Times) on the left. Now edit the numbers on the right until you get the movement you want. For rotation (and a different way of adding translation numbers) choose Quaternium from the drop down box.

I don't know much more than that...
Hi TG,
I know you keep the MCX forums going, and Arno thanks for that, interesting. And Quaternium, is that quaternation, if so I/we were trying to scasm that into mdls 10 odd years ago, great that Arno's got it in MCX. I must go get the latest version. Fantastic that you can actually add in ani's now!

I don't know if it works on FSDS built Fs9 mdls?, but worth a go BvA.


If you can workout the Quaternium ani keyframes with mcx and then copy them.... you could add them via scasm.... not impossible just time consuming.... provided you already know your way around scasm code.

Be good if Ano could make the Mcx decompile mdls to scasm like the mdlc does... the tweaking and modification of mdls possibilities would be endless!!!!

Just a thought......

Cheers mav