addon updates


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I am trying to gather all the updates to all the addons and maybe i will find that there are not going to be any further updates. I thinks ETO is coming out with an update this month but what about maw, korea, solomons and in general cfs3? I'm sure we would all like to know if the teams that made such masterfull addons are done developing them. thanks in advance bwchaney

I cannot speak for the MAW team and do not know what the status is for any future updates or enhancements.

However here is what I do know about the following:

ETO - Planned for a siginificant update 11/15 and continuing updates quarterly.

PTO Solomons - I plan to do (hopefully with some help) an update for 1st Qrt moving over all of the new ETO enhancements and rearming of aircraft for night operations with all the new flares . This update will also include a rework of all the stock ships with the new AA guns with golfball tracers, weather, some aircraft like the betty will receive new cannon golfball tracers for their guns.
This update will also include a new mission pack to showcase all the new additions. I am also hoping to include a new RAAF Wellington with flares.

Long range I would like to participate in bringing back Korea and updating it to the level of ETO but that would be next year some time if we can find someone to rework the water and oceans.

CFS 3 is here to stay for sometime for all of us to enjoy.:d

Thank you very much for the info; i am a campaign player tho and would like to see a stock campaign in pto solomons; am i hoping against hope thanks bwchaney
i dont need a silly reply i thought this forum was here to help.

i am alsow updating my game so far on only the PTO and there are still some things i have to do to work it all the way like it has to work

so now i cant fly a quick mission on the seaplain airstoke i think there is something missing so im looking for answers there
Good news about the updates. Looking forward to the Korea of my favorite theaters.It's getting hard to pick which one to play:isadizzy:,hehehe! Thanks to everyone envolved in making CFS3 last so dang long.:medals::medals:....Thanks,Scott