Charter Member
With this file you can manualy adjust your LOD Radius which effecs the Object Draw Distance.
To Adjust the LOD Radius just change the Number behind "sim/private/controls/reno/LOD_bias_rat" . By default it is 0.60 in my file.
Installation: Just copy the script into Recources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts
You need FlyWithLua Complete Edition for this Script!
With this file you can manualy adjust your LOD Radius which effecs the Object Draw Distance.
To Adjust the LOD Radius just change the Number behind "sim/private/controls/reno/LOD_bias_rat" . By default it is 0.60 in my file.
Installation: Just copy the script into Recources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts
You need FlyWithLua Complete Edition for this Script!