Well there was thread about this but I can only go back 4 pages so I cannot link it here.
The only ways we came up with fixing this is:
-change the airbase you are on.
-start your flight in the air instead of on the runway.
The later can be done by editing the "_mission.XML" prior to the start of your mission but right before you start it.
You have to leave the game "Alt-Tab", go to the desktop, edit the "_mission.XML" with wordpad.
It is located in: documents and settings/owner/aplication data/CFS3 (you are using at the time)/missions
This line: (in a campaign game)
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0" IsWarpable="n" IsVisible="y" Lat="N49*16'6.2041"" Lon="E2*26'34.5239"" Alt="0.00"/>
change to:
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="133" IsWarpable="n" IsVisible="y" Lat="N49*16'6.2041"" Lon="E2*26'34.5239"" Alt="777.00"/>
Save and go back to game and start the mission. your flight will be airborne over the airfield.