Adjusting flight Dynamics

Well there was thread about this but I can only go back 4 pages so I cannot link it here.

The only ways we came up with fixing this is:
-change the airbase you are on.
-start your flight in the air instead of on the runway.

The later can be done by editing the "_mission.XML" prior to the start of your mission but right before you start it.
You have to leave the game "Alt-Tab", go to the desktop, edit the "_mission.XML" with wordpad.
It is located in: documents and settings/owner/aplication data/CFS3 (you are using at the time)/missions

This line: (in a campaign game)

<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0" IsWarpable="n" IsVisible="y" Lat="N49*16'6.2041"" Lon="E2*26'34.5239"" Alt="0.00"/>

change to:
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="133" IsWarpable="n" IsVisible="y" Lat="N49*16'6.2041"" Lon="E2*26'34.5239"" Alt="777.00"/>

Save and go back to game and start the mission. your flight will be airborne over the airfield.
I have an issue :Wingmen blow's up on the runway.
How can I fix this ?

Yes there have been a few threads on this. It is a bigger problem on very short BoB era runways. Bigger runways it is easier - the object.xml file can be edited for the specific runway - simply make the gap between the aircraft bigger. Their position on the runway before the flight takes off is specified in the object.xml file specific to the runway type used for the airbase.

Another thing is that some aircraft are "twitchier" and less stable. YOU can cause the AI to blow up by the way that you take off :isadizzy: . So take off nice and smoothly. If you dab your brakes at all, the AI taking off behind you seem to automatically brake too, and in a Spitfire at full noise, the AI seem to immediately nose in and blow up.

So there you are - you can mitigate by increasing aircraft separation distance, but the best option is to fly better :gameon:

:icon_lol: Just kidding, take the last statement as some gentle ribbing, not a criticism :jump:
I think I recall fixing this issue by editing the Aircraft file in the airplane's folder.
Left click on the folder and open file using Notepad. Scroll down to the [flight tuning] section and change the pitch_stability from 1.0 to 1.5. Close the file with saving the change.
I think I recall fixing this issue by editing the Aircraft file in the airplane's folder.
Left click on the folder and open file using Notepad. Scroll down to the [flight tuning] section and change the pitch_stability from 1.0 to 1.5. Close the file with saving the change.

Thats a great idea! :medals: Twitchy birds like the AI spitfires tend to brake and go nose in - this should be a permanent solution so long as all the most affected planes are modified.