Aerialfoundry F/A18 pack


Charter Member
I just bought the Aerialfoundry F/a18 pack. This has got to be one of the alltime great Hornet's for fs2004. I just happend across it not too long ago and finally had a little extra cash laying around yesterday. Now I do have the VRS Superbug, and am not as impressed with it as I am with Aerialfoundry. If you're looking for a Hornet go buy the this little gem.
Don't forget the CF-188 package, too.

I just bought the Aerialfoundry F/a18 pack. This has got to be one of the all time great Hornet's for fs2004.......

Yep, I've had it for years and think it's the best of the best. To bad the product is a dead-end though, as the author is no longer active in the flight-sim community. Still the product, as is, is quite impressive. I have all the packs and like all of them.


I have the RAAF/USN F-18 pack and IMHO, it is still top notch. Dean's Hornets were really ahead of their time. I think Lucien also did a photoreal Spanish as well as a RCAF repaint for this model. Anyone know if they're available somewhere?

and Pablo's F-18 Photoreal skin
Simply stunning- they're available on AVSIM's site, a shame I can't put it on the V1 machines. Can you drop the tanks on the V2 pack ? Neither the 2002 models or the V1 F-18's will let me.
Just so everyone knows, all repaints will fit on any model/pack, with some individual texture renaming. I originally only had the Blue Angel package (no weapons) but had ALL the available textures working on them. The other two packages only add weapons loadouts.
Simply stunning- they're available on AVSIM's site, a shame I can't put it on the V1 machines. Can you drop the tanks on the V2 pack ? Neither the 2002 models or the V1 F-18's will let me.

The 2002 and V1 (pre-payware) versions were totally different models, and the textures were different. They had their own textures, which, I believe, are still available, at Simviation and, anyway. Don't know if any survived Avsim's hacking.

Don't know if the tanks are dropable on V2 payware models. There are separate models, with and without tanks, with different loadouts in each package.