Aerobatic Display in Hunter FGA9 XE609 "ECHO"

McLeland Peter

Charter Member
Here is an enhanced version of my original FS9 video, that I made a few years ago, of Echo performing aerobatics at McLeland Field. The display is very loosely based on my real life solo display but of course we had no ring of fire and I was not allowed to go this low so the resemblance is a bit faint! The video runs for about 18 minutes, is in HD and is best viewed with the Quality clicked up to 1080p and the Full Screen icon at bottom right corner clicked. It is my "Most difficult to make" video but I am very pleased with it...The enhancements are just to the resolution so it is very sharp now on full screen.

Thanks for looking especially if you managed to get to the end...It does not add in to the views if you don't look at it all :)

For those that don't really like videos here are a few snaps from the beginning:-







Thanks Kikas...I just ran it though without pause on my iPad 2...I can only get 720p on that but it looked great. Maybe you have a poor broadband connection!