Aeromarine 39B US Navy trainer for Fs9


Hi Folks,
A 'quick and dirty' port-over/conversion of the FSX Aeromarine 39B wheeled US Navy two seat trainer for Fs9. A beautiful FSX model by Ronald Dandurand, flies and looks superb in Fs9. Good for those lazy low and slow flights!

Now, I will bang on about it, for all those people who download and enjoy SOH free of charge, but never post/or speak up. I don't do these ac for anything other than the enjoyment of doing it and seeing others enjoy flying the results.

So it's simple, to those who view/download at the SOH, but don't do anything else (which I understand a lot do and it's perfectly fine by me!), please take the time to make a small donation. Every little helps, so it will still be there for you and me the future, coz if it wouldn't want to see a grown man cry now would you..? Thank you :wavey:





  • Aeromarine 39B 1.jpg
    Aeromarine 39B 1.jpg
    87.8 KB · Views: 1
Thanks Ronald Dandurand for this lovely model and Shessi for the conversion. :encouragement:.

And concerning the donation: Please give it a serious thought. When we would get just 1 US dollar for every download, the SOH would be very rich..............

Woo-Hoo !!! And Woot !!!

This one is right up my alley, as you know. It's been on my wish list for many years.

And I don't even have to paint it. As best I can tell, all the colors and marking are quite correct. And in those early days, all the Navy's planes looked pretty much alike except for their serial numbers. So I can enjoy this one without feeling compelled to do any work on it.

This is enough to inspire me to make a second donation, if I hadn't already done that. I hope it will inspire some others.

Gremlins have been at work on this project! But their work is easily rectified.

I booted up the 39B to drool over it in the sim, even though I haven't any time to fly it, and I spotted something that had somehow not caught my eye in the screenshots. The national insignia on the wings are all reversed fore and aft. They have a point of the star at the trailing edge, and there should be a point at the leading edge. The "decal" texture is upside down and needs to be flipped. You can do it with one click in DXTbmp.

The 39B was a very early Naval aircraft and there was a lot of weird stuff going on in the Navy with colors and markings in those days, but the star was always oriented with a point at the leading edge. Just to be sure, before I said anything, I pulled out my copy of Bill Larkins' old book and found a photo of the same 39B depicted by the textures, and the stars point forward at the leading edge.

The plane painted on the textures, for those who may not have read the History section of the documentation, is the very one that made the first landing on the old CV-1 Langley. We have Paul Clawson's model of the old "Covered Wagon," so we can re-enact some history with this sweet little plane.