Aeronca "K" Texture Enhancement Experiment


Charter Member 2015
I like flying the "K" model so much. After reading all the things people are doing to different parts of aircraft, sounds, effects, panels and such, that I started looking at the paint files of the "K". I dabble from time to time with a few graphic programs and thought I'd see if I could get the realistic look of both the interior and exterior to grab me a bit more. I think it worked out nicely. If anyone wants the enhanced paint files, let me know and I'll upload them somewhere:wiggle:

The set I worked on is the Canadian/Leon Louis re-paint.

I uploaded pictures of them then saw they were compressed. So I zipped them up. Here's the link for them.

Let me know. Dunno if I can even share them or not. I guess I can upload them here too huh?