Aeroplane Heaven Corsairs...


I was looking over the backup HD for FS9 and came across my copy of the Aeroplane Heaven Corsair Mega Pack. I installed the Late Corsair Pack including the Racer and was immediately reminded to NOT push the throttle too far forward on the take-off roll, lest the plane will definitely torque itself right off the runway.:dizzy: These models, coupled with Nigel's "music" and a VERY ACCURATE FDE make for some very immersive flights and realistic carrier landings, even on static carrier scenery where the ship isn't pitching and rolling about.

I was wondering if anyone else had this pack for FS9 and was using an alternative prop for the 3 and 4 blade variations. I have quite the arsenal of prop mods for FS9... I tried a few, (including a few of Bob Rivera's), but suffice to say, I cannot get rid of the "disk" shape. The visual prop seems to be a 3D version, (Not flat like in some of the older planes for FS9) yet appears as a polished disc no matter what alpha channel the prop mod textures are set at. Any help would be much appreciated.


temporarily rename the prop blur tex to something else (add a .bak at the end of the file, etc.). Reload the sim and you'll see the prop disc naked to give you some ideas of it's properties, ie. how transparent it is (if at all, it can be done by tex alone), how reflective it is, etc. This will at least let you know what your up against. You want a barely visible disc, to suit your taste obviously. If you need to adjust it, Mdlmat from Martin wright is your tool, but it involves lots of trial and error to find the correct material for the propdisc. ACM would help greatly, it'll evenlet you view the model without texs in the first place.


PS. If you don't have ACM you chuffin' should!! homesite is long gone, but try feeding into the wayback machine might work. Yuo'll only get the demo, but it should be enough for your purposes. You cannot buy the full version anymore :¬(
Thanks, JD --

I do have the full version of ACM, haven't messed with it much. I'll have to go and grab Mdlmat tho, all I have at the moment from Martin Wright is his latest DXTBMP. It let's me back convert 4096 textures so they work in FS9... not easily done but easy enough. I am somewhat challenged when it comes to using a model editor and thought I could keep this one simple, but the AH Hogs are easily replaced if I end up dumping something overboard that I find out later I needed... :banghead:

Cheers, Mate!
In the file library under 2004/others there is a revised airfile by myself for the F4U-5N which brought it into specs for the round the world Race.

cheers. T
Thanks Fliger! I'll be having a go with that. I kinda thought the 5N was a bit lofty as an FS flyer, after all the books I have read regarding the ol' Hog and all the revisions and mods it went through from WWII to Korea.
