Aeroplane Heaven P-47 Standalone:


Charter Member
I've found some extra textures for the AH P-47 that came with the manual install, and was wanting to make a couple of standalone aircraft. But I couldn't get them to work. Do I have to rename all the .dds files cause it's like 19 of them. Any help will be appreciated. :salute:

Hey Slim --

The .dds textures won't work in CFS2, even if you rename them. Those textures are very high resolution and the CFS2 Graphics Engine can't handle them. There are a few developers who have "back converted" .dds textures to .bmp, but I have never tackled such a thing. The .dds textures are usually reserved for FSX.

Hi Slim,

Martin Wright's extended bitmap program DXTbmp.exe will convert .dds to .bmp. - either extended bmp or 24 bit bmp.

I'm in the wrong spot. I should have posted in the CFS3 side because it's a CFS3 model. Sorry

Hi TW,

I'm not up on the technical details, but 24 bit bmp's are larger in size than extended bmp's. I presume extended bmp's are compressed. When dds files are converted to extended bmp files the size remains the same.


AH P-47 for CFS3? I haven't heard of this - am I missing something worth getting?
Aeroplane Heaven came out with the P-47 in back in 2002 right after CFS3 came out. I don't know where they can be found now, for I had them on a backup CD.:jump:

I believe he means this one; early Aeroplane Heaven CFS3 product, textures on multiple sheets, no .mos file. Unfortunately, I do not have the original documentation but if anyone knows the original modeler(s) you may want to contact them...
I believe he means this one; early Aeroplane Heaven CFS3 product, textures on multiple sheets, no .mos file. Unfortunately, I do not have the original documentation but if anyone knows the original modeler(s) you may want to contact them...

The cockpit definitely is an improvement over the stock one...

Are there freeware ones with better cockpits?

take care,

You took the words out of my mouth...

Hi Slim,

Martin Wright's extended bitmap program DXTbmp.exe will convert .dds to .bmp. - either extended bmp or 24 bit bmp.


I am a graphics artist and one of many repainters... you can very easily convert DDS files... those gigantic ones have to be
resized... but there is no problem...