Aeroplane Heaven - The Republic P47.


I've been looking at some screenshots of this model recently and I think it looks quite nice. However I've only been able to find one review of it and that was dated 2006. I was wondering if anyone owns this and what they think of it? I already have the A2A Thunderbolt for FS2004 and was curious as to how the AH version stacks up. Any opinions appreciated.
I like them.
I got the early pack models pack when they first came out and they were state of the art then and rew still very nice now but I did not really have the computing power back then to enjoy them to the fullest.
I also have the A2A Thunderbolts and did not get the second AH for a long time because there were a lot of the later models in the A2A pack and with WWII fighters and Gnoopys P47M's as well I had more thunderbolts than I could really fly.
However, I kept remembering the experimental contra prop razor back P47 that was included in the second AH pack and temptation recentley got the better of me and I finally bought the second pack mainly for that airplane.
I'm very glad that it did as this is a great airplane.
At the moment this is the only one I have installed (running out of disk space again) but it is up near the top of my most fun to fly list and won't be coming out of the sim any time soon.
I have have attached a few shots of it but can take some VC and panel shots tomorrow night and post them if you want an idea what the cockpit is like.
Sorry guys, pictures not showing up for some reason.:frown:

This is one of the shots I've been looking at. Even though the model is a few years old I think it still looks quite nice. Financially it makes sense to get the Megapack, which is currently $45 AUD. The only reason I'm hesitant about it is the lack of reviews. As I said in my original post, I've only managed to find one, which I find a little suprising. It's a pity AH didn't release a single model, freeware version, in their recent collection of freeware releases. Then I could have a least got an idea of what she handles like.


More here:
Perhaps I should point out that these shots are early ones and since they were made we have totally upgraded the P47s Most notable change is the erronious engine position which was too low in the cowling, now correct. There are more changes and updates but I can't remember them all...:engel016:
... It's a pity AH didn't release a single model, freeware version, in their recent collection of freeware releases. Then I could have a least got an idea of what she handles like.

Same goes for me with their Corsair!
This Bent Wing looks great, but I have no idea how it would behave on my system...
I'd even buy a single-model (actually, I just need the FG-1D), no-bells-and-whistles version, just like A2A offers with their "Solo" packs.

@ bazzar:
No chance for a "slim-line" release?

Perhaps I should point out that these shots are early ones and since they were made we have totally upgraded the P47s Most notable change is the erronious engine position which was too low in the cowling, now correct. There are more changes and updates but I can't remember them all...:engel016:

When were these updated? I recieved the full pack in Dec 07, from your birthday present to SOH bandwidth supporters in 2007. Haven't had them loaded in a while as still doing upgrade and total redo.

I also have the full Corsair megapacks (purchased) from 8/14/06, don't know if there were any updates to them.