Aerosoft Super Cub (and DHC-1 Beaver?)


Charter Member

Yesterday whilst meant to be purchasing something else on the net, I came across Aerosoft's Piper Super Cub package. I'd seen this before and was quite tempted, but always believed that it required an internet connection for installation (my flightsim PC is seperate to this one).

Having spent about 350 hours in Cubs, yesterday, it was only £6.75 on one of the sites and so I just had to see if it worked. After paying and downloading I placed in on a memory stick transferred it to my other PC, put in my email address and the serial number given and away I went.

Everything worked well and I'm a little disappointed that I never tried it earlier. I'm very pleased with the package and it truly replicates the real thing. Finding cross wind landings quite daunting with a few scraped wingtips already!!

As I'm pleased with this, is the Beaver worth having as it installs the same way? I have had a few Beaver flights in Canada sometime ago and often fly in its French counterpart the Broussard, so would like to know if this is worth purchasing?

Best wishes to all,

it is an absolutely wonderful package . the AS beaver is a true joy to fly . if you liked their cub ( which i love ) , the beaver is even better IMO .
many variants , beautifully rendered plane and flies like a charm .
T6flyer.......a double thumbs up on the Aerosoft DH Beaver. You won't be disappointed. Plus there's various re-paints done for it. However, there's plenty to choose from just from the download package itself.
The Beaver is a must.
Simple as that.
You HAVE TO get it.

The Super Cub is another story. It is high quality, very nice in truth. However, better models have since come out and many of the included liveries seem rather lack-luster. It is definitely worth the $10 that you can get it for today, but from my point of view, it might not be worth $15...
Aerosoft's Beaver is the best one around for FS9. I scooped the soundpack from the FSX Beaver and run that, more representational to my ears.
I bought the Beaver yesterday....

...and I was HIGHLY impressed. It flies well, and can land and take off on a dime!

Well, what can I sat, thanks to everyone who replied, as you all gave the reason to purchase. Have only tried a few small flights, but one thing I dont like is the sound.....sounds more like a A-65, than the radial it is meant to be.

I did try substituting the sound for a R-985, but all I got then was the sound of the flaps, etc and the ambient sounds supplied with the package (ie jets flying about when on tarmac....and that was with the engine running....the prop was going round, but no rumbling sound at all. Deleted the whole thing and tried again and now am putting up with the put put sound for the moment. Seems engine files are in one model and all the others are configured to run from that. Must be a simple solution.......

But no, on the whole its a superb aeroplane and I look forward to some more flying with the Beaver in the future....when I can master the Cub that is.

Thanks to all for taking the time to reply. It is as always much appreciated.

Best wishes to all,

Martin was a simple solution....I deleted the whole of the main sound folder and in its place used the one for my Broussard (same engine) and everything is now fine. Now off to practice some very short field landings!

Thanks to all,

Hi Martin, I have the Aerosoft Beaver for FS9 and FSX. I agree with the sound package. Have you tried the new Sabre from Jan Visser, you'll love it. Tien.