Aeroworx B200 VH-MWU Repaint - can anyone help?


Charter Member
G'day all

After a recent computer acquisition, I finally got a machine that'll run the Aeroworx King Air beautifully. To top it off, I thought I add Paul Holstein's fanatastic VH-MWU Air Ambulance repaint, however it is currently not available through AVSIM. Would anyone know where I could obtain a copy?


G'day all
After a recent computer acquisition, I finally got a machine that'll run the Aeroworx King Air beautifully. To top it off, I thought I add Paul Holstein's fanatastic VH-MWU Air Ambulance repaint, however it is currently not available through AVSIM. Would anyone know where I could obtain a copy?



Looked for the file but apparently I didn't keep it. Sorry. I did look at your repaints and they are great. I would love to try a couple of them but I'm not allowed to according to the linked site. Great stuff though, and your repaint mates had some nice stuff too. Nice to have talent and patience. Good Day to ya.:salute: