AF Scrub/J. Beckwith F-51H revisited


I have been playing with the F-51 from Jerry Beckwith/AF Scrub.

Sorting out the mapping with grid from a given livery (as I always do when no templates are available)

Then adjusting the MDL properties with MDL Mat

AF Scrub added a texture to the canopy so I determined the exact mapping as well (involving many many testing)

Working on a metal template from now, here is a WIP shot

Not sure what to plan yet for this F-51, probably a few liveries from ANG. I have also a few What-If ideas in mind.



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I had no idea that Scrubby ever did anything with Jerry's P-51H (or F-51, as it was for most of its service life in the classic era.)

I wonder if all those USAF and ANG skins I painted for it will still work on Scrubby's version. Where did you find that? I'd like to check out the textures and find out if they're compatible. This has long been one of my most favorite classic era planes. I like it enough to have painted a couple dozen skins for it.

First livery - clean for testing purpose, still have to work on a highly weathered version




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NACA test flight

WIP of the weathered template



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Hello Mick,
I sent you this model, quite a long ago, to turn it reflective, as it was queuing in my mind. I made the move yesterday !
The whole plane can be found here :
And luckily, the mapping remains unchanged so your liveries will work with this model :jump:

Whew! I don't think I could get motivated to do a couple dozen skins all over again! Too many!

My model and all my skins are reflective, but I don't remember making the model reflective. I thought it was reflective straight out of the box from Jerry B. Apparently not! It was so long ago that my memory seems to have failed me.

I really like the F-51. It's one of my favorite classic era fighters.
Whew! I don't think I could get motivated to do a couple dozen skins all over again! Too many!

My model and all my skins are reflective, but I don't remember making the model reflective.

Because you used Jerry's original model (which was absolutely reflective)
I first investigated about painting his, then I discovered AF Scrub rework, which was not reflective out of the box. Maybe a different compilation or option while exporting from gmax, that's not my domain :dizzy:

Maryland ANG



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Looking forward to this one. It's a forgotten mark with spectacular performance.

Aircraft Factory put one out some time ago, a good rendition but with as good as it is, I'm surprised they made the elementary mistake of putting the national insignia on the wrong lower wing.
I really like the F-51. It's one of my favorite classic era fighters.

Me too! I've had Jerry's F-51H in my hangar for as long as I can remember! I was not aware of the AF Scrub model either. The F-51H is interesting to me because of the performance and flight model differences between it and the earlier P-51D. I've used the AirWrench tool that "Sparks" wrote for flight models for a long time also, I believe he's released an AirWrench 2 now.

I was not aware of Mick's liveries either, nice that they work with both models so I'm off to gather them. :running:

Thank you both for your work with this model!

HorusJ :encouragement:



Civilian - N313H



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What Mass. ANG unit does that skin depict?

The western Mass. unit (just down the road from my home) has always used red as the squadron color, sometimes with spinners in flight colors.

The Boston ANG unit has traditionally used light blue for their squadron color, but during at least some of their F-51H and F-86H years they used green for a time, as in those years the Westfield squadron was called the "Polish Guard" while the Boston squadron was called the "Irish Guard." The extensive application of yellow suggests a special scheme, as both units were typically much more conservative in their application of their colors.

That's a very attractive livery, but it really has me scratching my head.

Don't overdo the weathering. Most Air Guard units took pride in their aircraft and they didn't let then get very dirty. Of course, as they were fairly old airplanes, they did show some wear and tear.
Mick, for the mystery Massachusetts ANG, I found the P-51H profile below. I have no idea about the authenticity of it, I liked the color scheme enough to paint it. It it said to belong to 101st FIS, based at Logan Field, 1951...
Being not an ANG scheme expert myself, your comments/suggestions are very welcome :encouragement:


The hard weathered Ohio livery is kind of an experiment of mine, just for trial purpose. I agree ANG planes are usually looking clean and well cared, even on black and white pictures



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Very interesting!

I see that the scheme comes from a livery offered in the RS Models plastic kit. I was out of the plastic model hobby before RS Models came along, so I have no idea whether they have a reputation for accuracy or not.

I searched Google Images and found a lot of pictures of that model box top and the decal illustration, but none of a real F-51 in those colors and markings.

I wondered if it might have been a plane from the Mississippi ANG (state 4-letter abbreviation MISS, which might be a simple typographical error) so I researched the Mississippi ANG. Their only fighter was the F-47 Thunderbolt, but after the Korean War they briefly flew the RF-51D (not H) before changing to the RF-84F. I could not find a picture of one of their RF-51D's.

I can't think of any other state with a four letter abbreviation that's only one letter different from Mass.

I think this must remain a mystery. The scheme might be real, though I doubt very much that it was ever a Mass ANG scheme, since I've been interested in the Mass. ANG for many years and have researched them deeply. It might have been a real livery from another ANG unit, attributed to the Mass ANG by mistake, or it might be an RS Models fantasy. I don't know what to think.

It sure is a pretty color scheme!
As the profile art mentions, the aircraft was part of the 101st Fighter Interceptor Squadron (FIS), 102nd Fighter Interceptor Group (FIG), where it served from 1951 until December 12, 1953, when the aircraft was destroyed - the pilot bailed out after running out of fuel. At the time, the accident report states that the aircraft was based out of Logan Airport, Boston, and that the aircraft came down 25 miles East/North East of Provincetown, MA.

The markings that the aircraft was painted in when this photo was taken (and that the artwork was modeled after) were not the norm - these were the types of markings/colors applied to F-51's used at gunnery meets as target-tugs (always denoted by painting the nose, tail and wing tips yellow).

There were two Massachusetts ANG Squadrons that used the F-51H - the 101st FIS of the 102nd FIG, and the 131st FIS of the 104th FIG. Both fell under the command of the 67th Fighter Wing (which also included the 132nd FIS in Maine). The normal markings of these aircraft were overall bare metal with either green or red wing tips and tail surface tips, with different colored spinners.

Thanks John!

So it's a target tug from the Irish Guard! Whoot!

As for the standard squadron colors, the "Polish Guard" of the 131st always used red and still does, though I don't think they've called themselves the "Polish Guard" for several decades now.

The 101st traditionally used light blue, going back to the pre-WW2 era. (The 131st wasn't established until after the war.) For a while, when they called themselves the "Irish Guard," the 101st used green, with a shamrock added to the scheme during their F-86H period. Later they reverted to light blue, and when they moved from Logan in Boston out to Otis AFB in Falmouth, on Cape Cod, they took the name "Cape Codders." I don't recall when they made the move, but it was decades ago.

Alas, the 101st is gone, lost to financial exigency, and their last planes, F-15's, came west to replace the 131st's A-10's, where they now fly from Barnes Municipal in Westfield, whence I see them flying overhead every day. I have a special interest in the 131st because they're my (almost) local Air Guard unit. I've been watching their planes fly around since I was a toddler seeing their F-94's (and maybe their F-51H's, though I was too young to remember them), and I've been to many excellent air shows at their base.

If anyone shares my interest in the Air Guard, or just likes classic-era airplanes, you'll enjoy perusing this site about the planes and history of the Mass. ANG, with emphasis on the 131st. I've gotten a lot of my Air Guard skins from the photos on this site:
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Thanks John and Mick for investigating !

Uploading all the liveries above at the moment, will be available shortly.

I'm considering a few "what if" liveries, F-51H could have been exported under the Military Assistance Program (South America ? Asia ?) These liveries will need to be ferried to end user countries, lots a flight time ahead :encouragement:
