This sounded very logical to me, but doesn't seem to work with dissimilar paving.In AFCAD, Lists > Runways, then change the order by simple drag/drop. It's reverse order, meaning the top of the list will display under the other one.
I use AFX so I can work between FS9 and FSX, but I just took a recent airport I redid which had crossing rwys. Initially the crosswind rwy was asphalt and the main rwy was concrete and the concrete rwy was on top. . .I changed the properties of the two making the crosswind a concrete rwy and the main rwy asphalt and the asphalt rwy remained above the concrete. So concrete will not necessarilly take precedence over other surfaces.. . . .It appears the display order is governed by the materials list dropdown (pic 3, concrete will always appear on top!?)
Any further ideas on this?
Blabbermouth... it is the intersection of runway 03 and 30 and that's enough information for now.Charl what are you working on there??? don't say anything I have had a sneak peek and about to have good looksie at it......
Blabbermouth... it is the intersection of runway 03 and 30 and that's enough information for now.
Dogknot - I had a go at linking runways at say 260 and 90, but no go. I think this transfer of surface only applies to taxi links.