• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

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    Library How to

African Wildlife


Charter Member
I've been 'doing the rounds' over Kenya's Wildlife parks in my trusty Bleriot XI and are yet to see any wildlife. Are they part of the landscape?

I've played with increasing both scenery and traffic settings but no luck. :(
The only time you can see anything besides birds is in the missions.Another one of Microsofts blunders.
One of the things that was supposed to be in FSX...

Perhaps we'll see this in FSXI though :mixedsmi:
Oh! What a bummer. :banghead: I'm continually surprised at just how poorly the world is rendered outside of the US and parts of Europe. Really disappointing for a sim that has been around for so many years. :(

Perhaps we'll see this in FSXI though :mixedsmi:

We can but live in hope. :)
i have been trying to do a little of my global tour every day. yesterday i flew out of india into bangledesh and myanmar. i was surprised that the farmland in india looks so much better than the states.
Visit here http://www.aussiex.org/index/download.php?list.3 and download the OZx_AU airports (free) and you will see lots of wildlife (not African though).

A lot of the airports you run the gauntlet of birdstrikes, dodging animals that may wander onto the airstrip. Add to this most of the airport areas are populated with people in many guises. Airport workers or passengers, some using mobile phones.

One thing though ..... you may have to register (free).

In SE Queensland some beaches can be landed on and you will get a rather pleasant surprise ;).

Really surprised this far into FSX no one has added herds of wildlife to the savannas. you already have the animated wildlife in the library, just need to add them with simconnect. Guess I need to start reading this part of the SDK now, LOL.
You have to add each one as an individual entity and, for the animated ones, specify a path, speed, etc, the same as any other mission object. There was, pretty early on, a tool that basically made long taxiways which the animals would walk along in the same way we used to make ships move as AI, but it was pretty impractical.

If you can generate an external app or internal module that randomly adds groups of animals within x distance of the user aircraft/viewpoint, I think you'd find a lot of happy users!

Ian P.
(Who has placed a few animals as scenery objects, nothing more!)
The mission where you fly around the hot air balloons in the Trike has some (lawn) sheep in a pasture to the left of the airport, saw a flock of birds once as well (clump of trees behind the takeoff position). Perhaps that was pre SP2.

Never been able to see the whales in the Mooney/Hawaii mission.
That's the one I, and a lot of other people, tried and while it does exactly what it says pretty well, it is far from ideal.

While congratulations are in order to the developer for achieving what he did - and while most other developers were still ignoring FSX altogether - it would be nice, given the advances in experience and knowledge of the sim, to see what would be possible now.

There's a big difference between "complaining" and saying something works, but it would be nice to see if it can be improved on.

Ian P.
my posting was not mainly referring to you.
I only know 5 ways to get "ai": aircraft traffic, boat traffic, LWcfg.spb, via a Simconnect tool and of course missions.
Maybe there are more ways or one of the above ways could be abused.. a lot to try, but what i read are only complaints.
I agree to you that a new improved tool would be great and i guess writing Ron an email could be helpful...
Once i tried the ai formation tool (v2) with ground vehicles (altitude to 0) and it worked, so maybe an email to Sparks would be also not a bad idea...
Well, Michael offered to have a play too...? :d

It is true that there are a lot of complaints that MS mis-sold this "feature" of FSX. The back of the box very much implies that Africa should have herds of elephants wandering around and certainly doesn't say "only if you're flying missions".

...I just wish I wasn't now so tempted to go and build a field next to Hixon and fill it full of sheep! :icon_lol:

I think Simconnect would possibly be the way forwards for this one, personally, but whatever works, I guess!

Ian P.

I could have sworn before sp2, you where able to see dolphins swimming flying on final into phli - lihue.

Cannot see them anymore. Hmmm Could have been the Captain 'M' too.

Cheers !!
The newly released Kruger NAtional PArk scenery includes some wildlife.

<table width="100%" border="0"><tbody><tr><td>
</td> <td width="*"> [FONT=verdana, sans-serif] File Description:
To give true credit to the real greatness of the unique and well known KRUGER NATIONAL PARK in South Africa is an impossible task, but in an attempt to at least give the virtual aviator some idea of the outlay and facilities in this truly magnificent game park, we tried to recreate most of the rest camps, picnic places, roads, waterholes, etc. In so doing we hope to bring you the great undisturbed vastness full of nature's natural pastures for thousands of wild animals living peacefully in this wilderness, without interference from human beings. Fly low and near the camps you may be fortunate enough to see some game.
