
An advert on notified of a new programme for FS2004. AFS Design -World and Mosaic for FS2004. Selling on for UK Pounds 16-58.

Finding a new product for FS2004 these days is something amazing in itself.

Anyone bought this yet and given it a try?

vonersk - I've seen that add and checked out the PCPilotshop write-up. I'm waiting for some more information and some images of it "in sim"

That doesn't surprise me. I was pinched for time when I was looking for the links, so I didn't take time to read over them in much detail.
If you like residential areas with multi-storey buildings every kilometer in the dessert or the same square street pattern over the whole world, you will love it ...Sorry, but it doesn't give the value for money!


Thanks for that input. It is as I thought and I will be sticking with my excellent 'Ground Environment' and 'Flight Environment' for FS9 which continue to be sources of never-ending change and appearance - just like the real world!
I went over to the company web site. Have to admit to being very impressed. It's a complete environmental package. It also promises to improve frame rates. This is the third iteration so it's been improved for a while. I read an earlier review of version 2 after doing an online search and there were no negative comments. Hard to believe there's so much in the package with only a 58 meg download.
That's interesting. Since I'm now considering purchasing this product, can I ask you a few questions?

Do you have the program? Ver 3? Is that how you got the pic?

At what height agl was that pic taken?

What does that area look like without the program? Do you have a pic?

I'm seriously trying to look at both sides to come to a good decision. It's $27 and I don't want to spend the money if the program is crap. But everything I've seen other than your pic looks very good and it has a few good reviews on simmarket.
I looked closely at the before/after screenshots on and I've got to say that the difference is impressive. I am considering purchasing the product but $27 bucks is a lot of money (for me, at least) and the considering will continue.

That's a screenie of default Long Island at the same area as above. Certainly it also shows some repetitive structures, but it doesn't look like having copied a thousand times.

Long Island default.jpg

Here an other comparison of Paris:

Paris default.jpg

Paris Mosaic.jpg
AFS Design

Paris 2.jpg

Paris Mosaic 2.jpg
AFS Design

AFS seems to generate more buildings than by default. However all urban areas have the same checkered patterns.

And last a screenie of Algerian desert:
Desert Mosaic 2.jpg

If I have to spend a certain amount for an addon, at least I expect a substantial improvement compared to what I have by default - not just some fantasy!

Interesting pics, Golden Rocket.

What's interesting is I think the mosaic looks better than the default especially for us low and slow vfr fliers.

But I'm wondering about one thing. The product came out just over a month ago. Have you purchased it? If so, why haven't you said so? And talked about many of the different aspects of the program? There's much more than just urban. If not, how have you been able to produce those pics? I don't know. Honestly, I'm leery of your posts. You joined SOH soon after the mosaic product came out (maybe a coincidence) and you're totally negative without any explanation. Maybe it's my imagination but it just doesn't feel right.
First: my name is Bernard, not Golden Rocket. I sign my posts!

I purchased the program on Monday (do you need the proof of purchase?). Otherwise how I could do the screenies?

Yes, there are other areas than urbans. Svalbard at the Artic Circle f.i. - with green trees and even palms ... I only intended to prevent that other members might be disappointed too and waste money. So buy it, and let us know what's your opinion!

Last but not least, do better investigations and have less imagination: search for "leuen"!

Well, Bernard, now we're getting somewhere.

I'm not sure exactly what you have against the program. The ad says the density of autogen will be more. The pics look good to me. The location of the autogen, whether in the desert or elsewhere depends on the landclass, not on the mosiac program. The urban sprawl will be the same in the mosaic as in the default, just different textures. You don't like the density? Ok, I understand that. What else don't you like? I have no dog in this race. I like what I see so far, even your pics. I'm seriously considering buying. But if it's no good, I won't.
Anyone bought this yet and given it a try?
Member "vonernsk" asked this, and I told my experience - not more, not less. And I'm not alone with this statement. At Simmarket you can read the same remarks (in english) at the product review as I did.

Mosaic program does only replace the world textures files, nothing else. My screenies have been done with a complete virgin installation, no other addon-ons have influenced the comparisons. So I don't unterstand why I find buildlings in areas normally considered as unbuilt, even by default FS9,

However, your are right, the density of autogen is quite higher - unfortunately at some places too much. The density can be reduced, but that won't solve the main problem. As you are a low flyer you certainly are sensitive to more or less accurate landclass. Obvisouly I did a bad deal.

Looks average at best. Why you'd spend money on that when you have Sascha's world textures which look a million times better is interesting.

Each their own i guess...:encouragement:
Bernard, now I see where you're coming from. I'm going to think about it and look at Sascha's program before I decide. His is more like photoreal and are likely to be better.

One thing you might want to do is write to the company with an explanation of exactly what's wrong and they might come out with a patch.