In early FS9 time, the demo was his ploy for getting his products into the freeware mainstream under the guise of being "freeware". Only problem was he would stick those stupid banners out on a wing or plastered across the 2D panel and then charge you $5.00US to remove each banner, so in the end, if you were goofy enough to follow his trail of breadcrumbs you'd end up paying about $20. for his "freeware" aircraft.
I had a lot of issues with his tactics and everytime I saw one of his files pop up on a download site I'd e-mail the owner, explain what he was doing and requesting he be banned. In most cases he was. He didn't care for my tactics either, lol.
He may be a pretty good designer (that's debatable), but he continues to produce less than payware quality work and he hasn't dropped those banners either.