I shall try to help here, with ETO the pathways in the various .Bat files are very sensitive, what must be entered there.
There are several very good videos for this in the Sticky Thread.
And once you mis-load ETO, things can get very confusing..
Inside the global_layer folder..
ETOGLSwapper, Bat file, (first) you Must have the pathways set to something like this , in Win 7-8 machines:
IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion\1945_qclocations.xml" GOTO :1945_ERA
IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion\1944_qclocations.xml" GOTO :1944_ERA
IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion\1943_qclocations.xml" GOTO :1943_ERA
IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion\bob_qclocations.xml" GOTO :BOB_ERA
IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion\1936_qclocations.xml" GOTO :1936_ERA
At the very end of this bat file you will see this Pathway:
CD "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion"
Notice all these lines as where to look: are to the same location
The inside main ETO Folder.. (CFS3 ETO Expansion> folder )
Right click on the ETOGLSwapper, Bat file, then to edit
when finished; Save and close
This tells the sim which QC locations is needed for each era.
And where to look for the needed files.
And where to look for the CFS3 .exe
Next bat file is the MASTERETOSTARTUP .bat
This is in the main CFS3 ETO Expansion folder
The pathways here should look similar to this
CALL ETOEraSwapper.bat
CD "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion\global_layer"
CALL ETOGLSwapper.bat
START cfs3.exe
This file tells the sim where to look for the GSL Glober layer files.
These change with each ERA>
And where the > .exe is located..
I have my main ETO 1.50 installed in the Program Files (x86) folder
Look at the How to, instruction videos in the Stick Thread and this will help you understated the structure of ETO also.
Another warning, once you mis load ETO , often the QC locations, or the GSL and uires, and missions folders can be Mixed up and you will have to be careful and reset them to the proper ERA (GSL, QcLocations) set up.
That is the problem sometimes when Mis-loading ETO..
Once you Mis-load it, these items change from ERA to ERA, you might have the QC locations for ERA one loaded, and the qclocations of ERA two in the main , Or the LIB might be for ERA two and the GSL be for ERA one.
all this changes>> and one must be careful when dancing and buggering up ETO.
But once you learn the pathways it is all very easy.
Heck, I barely read and write and was able to sort it out finally.
So can anyone .
Good luck, and watch the instructional videos in the Sticky Threads.