Afterburner / reheat effects in DX10


Charter Member 2015
Hello all!

I've noticed my reheat effects either disappear or can only be viewed from the 3 or 9 o'clock positions. The early stage glows are visible far in up the engines, but very little exterior flame.

Running FSX ACC, DX10 with full pay Fixer on a good i5 / GTX 660 system.

Models affected are the AS / Virtavia ports (F-8/F-4) but also some native FSX models like the payware Virtavia F-105 too. I've yet to try the newer payware jets like the Milviz T-38 - still working through the various models.

The default F-18 effect is perfectly visible - but it's outrageously overdone, so migrating to that effect is not ideal. I'm suspecting it has to do with effect texture formats - but hope the gurus may have some insight. DX10 with Fixer has been a wonderful solution, so I hope this is not a big problem to resolve.
Update ...

So trialed a number of AB-equipped FSX native planes. Those are fine, anything that's a port is not.

But what's weird is that when I try to take the AB effects I know work on the native birds, and write them into the lights section, replacing the ones I did not see, then those new AB effects still don't show on the ported plane.

I tried adjusting the fore/aft position, but nothing.

Anyone have any thoughts on why this may be?


Hi DL,

Some things to try if you haven't already - check out the Fixer manual on the topic of adding a ballast, that 'might' help; Make sure the Legacy shader is active and set fully to 'Aircraft'. If that works, 'tag' the aircraft with the toolbox then you can set the legacy back to the middle (but you'll need to keep that shader active).

Do you have the Cloud 9/Henk FSX F-4 model AB working okay? (mine is fine in DX10) I can't offer much because I only have a couple of ports and they've been heavily reworked for FSX.
Hello Ob,

I tried every setting in the toolbox, biased the balance fully to "aircraft" - the works - no AB exterior AB effects. I have the injector stage, in-engine effects, but no exterior flame.

Realistically, I've settled for trying to "rescue" only 5 AB-equipped ports:

1) C9 Phantom
2) AS/V RF-4B Phantom.
3) AS/V F-8 Crusader
4) AS/V F4D Skyray
5) Ivan's freeware MiG-21F

I've got a few other ports, but they're prop or non-AB - so they're ok.

If you can help me fix even the C9 Phantom, that'd be great.

Thanks a ton,

Hello Ob,

I tried every setting in the toolbox, biased the balance fully to "aircraft" - the works - no AB exterior AB effects. I have the injector stage, in-engine effects, but no exterior flame.

Realistically, I've settled for trying to "rescue" only 5 AB-equipped ports:

1) C9 Phantom
2) AS/V RF-4B Phantom.
3) AS/V F-8 Crusader
4) AS/V F4D Skyray
5) Ivan's freeware MiG-21F

I've got a few other ports, but they're prop or non-AB - so they're ok.

If you can help me fix even the C9 Phantom, that'd be great.

Thanks a ton,


Something is amiss. My C9 Phantom with the the TuFun AB works perfectly for me in DX10. Step 1 - confirm it's working in DX9. Also, you might post in the AVSIM Official DX10 Fixer support thread and ask Steve where to focus attention when there's a problem with the viewing angle. Did the fixer convert all your effects when you installed it? Do you have 'Convert Simple Effects Only' (or something like that) flag set? If not, try dis-abling DX10 effects (which 'unconverts' them) check that flag, then enable them again. Finally, did you try adding a ballast light?
Hey ob,

I tried adding ballast - tried all the settings - I seem to get no effects in DX10 on older models - incl the C9 Phantom. There must be something "globally" wrong in my setup, as it's the same for all older effects files.

I'll look at this in a few days with a clear hear - meanwhile, I have other DX10 issues I'd like to resolve.

thanks for trying - will post again in a few days.

I was intrigued by this, as I have problems with some of my Schockwave lights not appearing at certain angles ... so ... I installed Pack1 of the A/S Virtavia Phantom.


No problems at all - with the model, VC or AB effect. Maybe the later packs introduced some bad effects <??>.

I have FSX SP2 with Acceleration and passed the aircraft through DX10 Toolbox. It converted some mdl files, but the "Convert Bitmap" didn't find anything. I fired up the fixer before launching FSX so it could convert the new effects.

The light model is trerrible, but it's pretty good to look at (if "pretty" can be applied to the F-4!!).

Hooray! It works

Before I started t seriously monkey around with the SDK, toolbox, etc - I figured I would go back to my baseline pre DX10 condition install, verify that the effects worked. They did.

Then I uninstalled the Fixer, reinstalled it - checked the 8bit conversion in Fixer, and poof - my effects are there. I haven't exhaustively checked every FS9 port - but I have effects on the C9 and AS/V F-4, the AS/V F-8, the AS/V F7U Cutlass, the AS/V F4D Skyray, and a few others.

So I think I mis-checked something along the way - but the end result is good. I have a very dark VC canopy glass to look out of from the AS/V F-8 Crusader - but that's a separate issue.

I'm considering this one closed.

Thanks ob, Adamski et al for confirming that these should worked - that motivated me to push through knowing it was something on my end, and not a model issue.

I'm considering this one closed.

Thanks ob, Adamski et al for confirming that these should worked - that motivated me to push through knowing it was something on my end, and not a model issue.

I love it when we beat the machine for once!
