AH Globe Swift Released 7/19


I see that Aeroplane Heaven is working on his old model to bring it to MSFS too:

Mod Edit - purchase link: https://aeroplaneheaven.com/product_swift.php


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Bravo on the Swift! I'm loving everything about it so far. Very happy to have this bird back, I've missed it from my P3D days.
Sending in a message, but just to point out here so that no one's surprised by it: The aileron animation is reversed. Not sure how that keeps happening in payware releases at this point, but... I've never made an addon so I'm sure it's probably easier to goof than it sounds.
It's already on Simmarket as well.

This is the kind of aircraft I might like, but first I'd much appreciate if someone could report on its ground handling, specially the taildragging question.

After some bad experiences from the past, specially the Carenado Waco (which was unusable to me), I sure could use some previous advice.

Thanks in advance, best regards.
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This one performs very well on the ground for me. No unexpected spinning out of control or "skating" across the taxiways like some other taildraggers. Takeoff and landing are both straightforward as well, the plane does not jerk to one side after hitting 40 kts like most.
This is the kind of aircraft I might like, but first I'd much appreciate if someone could report on its ground handling, specially the taildragging question.

It isn't solved still by Asobo, it's a shame for this company and I still cant imagine why they didnt solve it yet.
If anything, I find the ground handling too stable now. But compared to what it was in MSFS before, I'm not complaining. I enjoy flying this plane, it's very sporty.
I found this video interesting - Flying the Swift

you can see quite a bit of the pilot's activity - use of throttle on TO, use of trim, how the LG is an electric over hydraulic system using electric energy to power the hydraulic gear and flaps.
The short red lever in front of the fuel valve is the manual gear up/down actuator should that powered system fail.
Helpful video in a few ways - also shows the AH model is quite accurate to the real aircraft in many ways however, I think their model behaves like the uprated 130hp aircraft and not the -A
I'm surprised by the very low amount of messages about this bird. I have just bought it a few days ago from the markerplace and I have been quite pleasantly surprised by the quality of this plane.

I wanted to ask if anybody managed to get the copilot to show in the cockpit view, but I guess nobody will be able to answer.
The technique about editing the LOD0 file seems not applicable here, since LOD0 files can't be found in the aircraft folder, which surprised me a bit...
I've had this aircraft almost since it came out. It is a very nice aircraft, flies well, and looks nice. I am in no way a rivet counter, so I don't look at minute details. if it looks like the picture, and flies well, I'm good. Admittedly, I haven't flown it in quite some time, and I don't remember if the copilot shows or not.
I'm surprised by the very low amount of messages about this bird. I have just bought it a few days ago from the markerplace and I have been quite pleasantly surprised by the quality of this plane.

I wanted to ask if anybody managed to get the copilot to show in the cockpit view, but I guess nobody will be able to answer.
The technique about editing the LOD0 file seems not applicable here, since LOD0 files can't be found in the aircraft folder, which surprised me a bit...
I just reinstalled this one. I see files "globswift_int_LOD00.bin" and "globswift_LOD00.bin" and their respective .gltf files in the model folder.

I'll give her a whirl a bit later on to check the copilot.

