AH Hawker Fury & Nimrod out !


SOH Staff
Staff member
Triggered by a few fine screenshots by Noddy of the Hawker Fury i walked over to the AH hangar and found two brand new shiny Hawker Heroes parked at the flightline. The Hawker Fury and Nimrod ! Holy Moly !! :welcoming:

If you've been to Old Warden or Duxford you'd probabely Holy Moly with me too !

These are both some of the most beautiful biplanes of the Interbellum. I can't remember either the Hawker Fury or Nimrod having been developed by AH for FSX/P3D or before (correct me if i'm wrong) so they must atleast be native MSFS2020. That's also what it says in the comments with the addition that they are compatible and work fine with MSFS2024. You can have them both for around 20 euros at Just Flight.

The real thing, mother of the famous Hurricane at Duxford ! What a magnificent flying machine !

Nimrod ! :

And the Shuttleworth Collection's Fury at Ye Olde Warden ! :

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Really beautiful craft so I'm tempted. I have seen the real ones both at Old Warden and Duxford, even the starting procedure with the Hucks starter. Unforgetable experiences!
Really beautiful craft so I'm tempted. I have seen the real ones both at Old Warden and Duxford, even the starting procedure with the Hucks starter. Unforgetable experiences!
Absolutely! And same here and with the Hucks starter contraption right in front of my nose ! :cool: ( i still have my special 'Old Warden jacket' with oil staines but these came from the Boxkite (i think.. ;-)) I had the chance to talk to the Hawker Hind pilot when most of the public had left (it always pays off when you wait ;-) he showed us around this awesome beauty as well (i was with a couple of friends). I just had a feeling i was this close to be invited for a piggyback ride. Hehe.. This Old Warden crew is extremely friendly. It's THE nicest flying place i've ever been to. Been there 4 times and enjoyed a few steam engine displays on the side. The English sure know their magic machinery ! (proud owner of a 1953 MG-TD ;-)

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Absolutely! And same here and with the Hucks starter contraption right in front of my nose ! :cool: ( i still have my special 'Old Warden jacket' with oil staines but these came from the Boxkite (i think.. ;-)) I had the chance to talk to the Hawker Hind pilot when most of the public had left (it always pays off when you wait ;-) he showed us around this awesome beauty as well (i was with a couple of friends). I just had a feeling i was this close to be invited for a piggyback ride. Hehe.. This Old Warden crew is extremely friendly. It's THE nicest flying place i've ever been to. Been there 4 times and enjoyed a few steam engine displays on the side. The English sure know their magic machinery ! (proud owner of a 1953 MG-TD ;-)

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Is that yours? Wow, collector level.
Thanks ! Yes, and this time i *DO* want to toot my own horn ! Hehe... this ol' lady is one of the most beautiful and well preserved TD's around here in the lowlands. It's an import from the UK so driven from the right seat. It is also not really original because of the spoked wheels. Both the MG-TC and later MG-TF are spokewheeled originally, the TD originally has closed flanges with holes. The spoked wheels look much more sophisticated so kept them.

After i got my drivers license i saved money as much as possible so i could buy my first MG-TD and so i did. There's just no other car that has always appealed to me more. That first TD was of course one of the 'cheapest' i could find. A year or so later the crankshaft gave up (a crankshaft can surely be repaired but this one already was...) Bye, bye precious TD, i'm sure i'll see you again later. And so i did :cool:
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As I recall in the colonies, 1953 was the last year for wire wheels for the TD, 1954 had solid steel wheels. That one is one to be proud of. I have a friend who owns a lovely 1962 Austin-Healey 3000 Mk II. And whilst staying on the subject, there was an update to the AH Hawker Fury and Nimrod (version 1.2.0) today. One can get the update from where they originally purchased the plane.




a beautiful 1962 Austin-Healey 3000 Mk II.



a beautiful 1962 Austin-Healey 3000 Mk II.
I picked up the Fury and Nim yesterday. Perhaps the best offering so far from JF since the Vulcan. Quite lovely in fact. In keeping with the theme of fine British steeds..... my more modern offering.


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Yes an update, V1.2 is up now. Also currently being processed by Marketplace. So soon there.

On the subject of old cars and in particular MGs, here's a couple. the MGA is a 1958 Mk1. I no longer have her unfortunately but I do have the MGB which has now been fully restored and is my daily drive. No, the front suspension is not broken, I am running negative camber for better cornering. The MG F Type Magna 1931 was my first MG, when I was 19.


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As I recall in the colonies, 1953 was the last year for wire wheels for the TD, 1954 had solid steel wheels. That one is one to be proud of. I have a friend who owns a lovely 1962 Austin-Healey 3000 Mk II. And whilst staying on the subject, there was an update to the AH Hawker Fury and Nimrod (version 1.2.0) today. One can get the update from where they originally purchased the plane.


WOW!! What amazing beauty, Cazzie ! :biggrin-new: Always loved it almost just as much as a TD. Good thing too because waaay too expensive for me ;-) Seems to be in sublime condition !

Btw, thanks much also for the Fury/Nimrod update tip ! :encouragement:
Yes an update, V1.2 is up now. Also currently being processed by Marketplace. So soon there.

On the subject of old cars and in particular MGs, here's a couple. the MGA is a 1958 Mk1. I no longer have her unfortunately but I do have the MGB which has now been fully restored and is my daily drive. No, the front suspension is not broken, I am running negative camber for better cornering. The MG F Type Magna 1931 was my first MG, when I was 19.

Another WOW!! So you're not only into classic guitars but also classic sportscars, Bazz ! Cool !! :cool:

Particular fantastic that you owned a MG F Magna ! You should've kept on owning it come hell or high water, mate ! Wow!! ;-)

I also would've loved to have a MGA but that dream never materialized, just as it didn't regarding an Austin Healy Frogeye (let alone a 3000 MKII). I *did* have a Triumph Spitfire, a beautiful green import from Sweden with special seats and spoke wheels. Your MGB looks immaculate ! It's a very nice English sportscar too of course but for me it has always been a way too far cry from a TD. ;)

Btw, thanks very much for your Hawker Fury and Nimrod, Barry ! Surely one of your best ! :encouragement:
Actually, I am now on the hunt for a TC. I sold my F type when I got married and needed a house. I bought her for 395 pounds sterling and after a LOT of work sold her for 5500. That was in 1972. A TC will give me back some of the appeal of the old Magna. Not all, she had a crash box with no syncro on any gear. She taught me how to drive properly and I Ioved double de-clutching every change, up and down! She also had a hand throttle- the precursor of cruise control.That came in handy when I drove her up to her new owner in Gloucester from Weymouth in a January blizzard, wearing a flying helmet and welding goggles ( no screen, no hood) We got 70 mph up the M1. I have never since been that cold!
It's a trip I will never forget.

Like the Nimrod and Fury, a truly magnificent piece of machinery.