AH/JF P-38 Lightning texture fix


Charter Member
Good evening all.

Some time ago I posted a thread here relating how I was having problems with the Just Flight P-38 going grey on me after switching from interior view to exterior view after starting up the bird. If I switched view in the air, the ground scenery got the blurries at about 1000' AGL. After that, the sim would completely lock up. No matter what I tried, I just couldn't shake this problem. After that, I shelved the bird for a while to handle other things.

Today, I completed my page upload assignment to help with SOH library matters. During that process I happened across a couple of add-on textures for this bird. On a whim, I kept this texture after cleaning out the balance of the "downloads" folder. After installing it in the original folder, I discovered the new textures worked BEAUTIFULLY, and overall performance improved significantly. A comparison of the new textures against what was already in the sim showed these textures were missing from ALL of what I got on the JF disk for the P-38s they offer:

View attachment 66753View attachment 66754View attachment 66755

Somehow, at least on my disks, these blurred prop textures were never included in the product. I installed them into already existing texture folders and they work like a champ. This was an interesting anomaly and I thought some folks might find it enlightening.
I'm not 100% sure those textures were actually missing, however I'm real glad to hear you got the plane working, it's a favorite of mine.

AH/JF by default install a lot of their common textures into your main texture folder to keep the installed aircraft folder smaller. So you probably had the propblur tex's in your main texture folder already. By installing these new ones in the texture folders in the aircraft folder you stopped the sim from looking for the originals.

Why the original screwed up your sim is a whole different question. I replaced the ones that came with mine just because I didn't care for the way it looked, I don't think it caused me any problems.
You're correct - I just checked the Texture file for the sim in the main installation as well as in the GW3 one - there is one "prop blur" texture in each folder identical to the one that's shown in the first post. What is missing are the other two blurs, which somehow appear to have "triggered" the third one into functioning - if that did happen at all. At any rate, the new textures are working which was the fix for this problem. The sim wasn't reading the original prop blur in the texture folder because all I was getting was a translucent disk, no blades in the effect at all. With the two additional textures things work as they should. Interesting.
When JF first put up the free demo version I downloaded it and had the no propblur texture problem.

Someone here at SOH figured out that the propblur texture bitmap was misnamed, it had a '_t' suffix when it shouldn't have or vice versa (can't remember now).

When I purchased the package later I used the direct download option (instant gratification type) and I don't remember the problem existing with that version. I did however later replace the textures just because I wanted a different look.

It's interesting that the lack of a functioning prop texture would screw up all the other graphics.