AH P-51D version 1.6.0


Got a nice surprise in my email today AH has released version 1.6.0 today of the Mustang ( if you bought it from their website), addressing some of the frustrating behaviors on take off.

" We are proud to announce Version 1.6.0 has been released. Key changes are some tweaks to the flight model to make it a little more forgiving."

Take note that it is less compatible with FS2024, so they are therefore keeping the previous version available if you like to fly the Mustang in 24, the new version is for FS2020 exclusively.

I just spent the last hour or so doing T&Gs and I really like whatever changes they made, take-offs feel better, way less pull to the left, and more stable with full flaps/gear down on approach. Still, 1 out 5 landings I walk away from, so, now I know it's just me haha, the Mustang feels great. I've yet to tame the beast, but my favorite bird in the sim just got a little better, to me. Liveries are not affected.

AH P-51D
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How about that latest 1.6.2 update eh? :173go1: I went back to 1.6.0 because I like to enjoy the hobby and have fun with the simulator...
It's unflyable frankly. I went back to v1.4.x...

In my frustration after a dozen attempts to take off, I was thinking, why should this be so difficult? 99% of the other aircraft in the simulator, despite their various under-developed states, manage to accelerate down the runway in a straight line and gracefully take off. What is with this model?? If you can't actually feel the aircraft response, and rely on a visual only for input to counter reaction, then what's the sense of implementing true life numbers into the airfile when A) I'm not a real pilot nor will I ever fly a real Mustang, and B) I just want to enjoy my limited time in the simulator getting airborne, flying around smoothly, and make a 3-point landing patting myself on the back as I head off to work. I don't really care to have my patience challenged or be gaslighted by the developer like I don't know what I'm doing when I say it's too hard.
I LOVE the P-51 as an airplane. I must admit that the AH model's OVERBEARING torque and periodic inability to gain enough rudder authority on takeoff to avoid weather-vaneing back and forth down the runway has kind of ruined this airplane for me. There is NO WAY the actual airplane could have been this difficult to take off in-- or the list of surviving P-51 pilots would be the same length as the current list of P-51 pilot fatalities-- ALL of the other tens of thousands of Mustang pilots having died in takeoff accidents. So I certainly understand where you are coming from.
I deleted AH Mustang from my hangar the other day, I tried the new update & it was terrible. On my system the aircraft crashes before I even click the ready to fly button, I managed to catch it twice & go for a fly. It's a little better on takeoff if you run it as per the flight manual but in the air it just feels way too sensitive (light) on the controls, it feels like an ultralight would feel, not a warbird, there's also some 3D modelling shapes that gripe me, I love the Mustang & am a scale plastic modeller & aviation nut & this stuff irks me.

On the upside however, there's currently a rework of the Asobo Mustang going on over on Discord & it's available on flightsim.to website. It's still being worked on & improved & there's an impressive to do list for upcoming improvements. Honestly the Asobo 3D modelling is pretty good on the D model & this mod has already improved certain aspects of that including an opening cockpit hood, there will be lots more to come. It also flys much better than the AH version. The same Discord developer is working on the T-6 & the P-51A

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Thanks JC, yes I've been following Randall since Bomber_12th brought the project to our attention in another thread.

Well, shall we have one final kick of the can? If it doesn't behave acceptably, we're on our own?

Update 1.6.5 released

"Hello everyone. A new week a new update. Hopefully the last needed for FS2020.
- Made the flight dynamics a lot more docile. The last update was better (??) but some were still having trouble. ( gaslighting customers, nice... ) And essentially it is about fun after all. It will still bite you ( that kick when the rear wheel comes off the ground is still there but less brutal so be ready for that ) but it is just a better experience. "

We shall see. I'm this close to turning my 10 repaints into AI traffic only.
The flight model is indeed a lot more docile with the latest version:



There was a lady who lived not far from here was a WWII Ferry Pilot and she said the Mustang was a Pussycat. Another friend who flew both the AT6 and the P-51, said the P51 should have been the trainer for the AT6.
Robin Olds did a little write up of his first trips around the pattern (Fighterpilot) and it didn't sound all that pussy like. It then became his mount for the rest of the war and they got along just fine without suger coating the habits of 'a bucking horse'(quote) Those folks back than were in their (early) twenties and - as most of us know - your reception of danger usually is quiet untrained at that point of your life. And to make matters worse: IT all got a nice tinge of gold over the course of the last 80(!) years.
Is the flight model correct? After excactly 0 hours in P51s I admit shying away from the answer. Than again: Probably not but one can tell that it came after a TON of effort - if your looking for a 172 thou' - a double check of ones expectations might be on order .....
......and according to Bob Hoover even the P3/L4 can (bearly) kill you.
I just gave it a try, still pretty much uncontrollable on takeoff, tried three times and no success. Pretty disappointed.
Thanks JC, yes I've been following Randall since Bomber_12th brought the project to our attention in another thread.

Well, shall we have one final kick of the can? If it doesn't behave acceptably, we're on our own?

Update 1.6.5 released

"Hello everyone. A new week a new update. Hopefully the last needed for FS2020.
- Made the flight dynamics a lot more docile. The last update was better (??) but some were still having trouble. ( gaslighting customers, nice... ) And essentially it is about fun after all. It will still bite you ( that kick when the rear wheel comes off the ground is still there but less brutal so be ready for that ) but it is just a better experience. "

We shall see. I'm this close to turning my 10 repaints into AI traffic only.
Just on your last comment is there a way to create our own AI traffic in 2020?
In the aircraft.cfg, under the [FLTSIM.XX] sections for each livery, change or add " isAirTraffic=0" change the value to 1, as well as "canBeUsedByAITraffic=0" change value to 1
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You can position the drone cam where you want it and turn off “follow” and turn on the lock to aircraft mode. Then when you fly past you just switch to drone cam and the camera should pan on you as you fly past.