AI ability?


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I have read that Phase 3 will have a much improved Artificial Intelligence with it being implied that the human pilot will have to be quite good to survive for any period of time. While it will be interesting to get the authentic feeling of the problems faced by a WWI pilot, being quickly shot down time after time soon after taking off, for me, would quickly become not enjoyable. Therefore, I am wondering how much customizing (turning down enemy ability, etc.) will there be in the Phase 3? I know continued flight time would improve my skills, but I do not have hours a week to become a true expert pilot.
That's why cheating is allowed, or just stay in Quick Flight were you control all the variables as it is now.

IF you cheat, or you dumbdown the AI, who's to know, besides you.

If you decide to play without any aides, I hear it's awful tough, but that just means I need to cheat more :kilroy:
being quickly shot down time after time soon after taking off, for me, would quickly become not enjoyable.

Probably wasn't much fun for the real pilots either, haha. But seriously, they didn't have a choice to dumb-down the enemy; it was sink or swim and in my mind that is what is the most fun part of re-creating the experience...doing it 'full on'.

Nevertheless, if you find P3 is really just too hard to manage, you can always select indestructible mode if you want. Or set all the enemy pilots to rookie before each flight. Should do the trick.
Nevertheless, if you find P3 is really just too hard to manage, you can always select indestructible mode if you want. Or set all the enemy pilots to rookie before each flight. Should do the trick.

NAAH better off cheating, can't even land in indestructable. The computer thinks you're crashing, and won't allow it :costumes::costumes::costumes:
What makes an air combat sim enjoyable? Is it downing as many enemies as possible? Then endless ammo and "god mode: on" will do fine. Pilots like MvR didn't have both, and, FIRST of all, he wanted to return alive. Second would be, to bring your wingmen home with you. He said, he never picked a fight he couldn't win. Seems passive or defensive at first look; may not raise the kill rate quick. But could make you reach the magic 17 hours.
I never made that in Phase 2, because I'm still an impatient rookie, again and again divejump into fights, only to get lost in them. But I'll keep working on it, 'till I get better. (And, looking at "Preview movie 10", that'll be damn necessary). Wouldn't have it any other way though...
Cheers; Olham
Tuba 2

The OFFBHH AI are deadly.

My mortuary already houses the bodies of many brave pilots who met their maker at the hands of the all new highly aggressive and pumped AI.

The new workshop provides the user with so many different variables that you should be able to easily find a combination that will suit your style and level of competence which you can then adjust as you become more competent .

No one should be put off or disheartened by the prospect of the demon AI.They are just one element of a package that will thrill you to bits.

This is a sim which will appeal to the absolute beginner as much as the accomplished virtual pilot.I urge all who enjoy, or feel they will enjoy, the prospect of the ultimate WW1 aviation experience to get OFFBHH. It is a must have!!



AI Ability

Thanks Nio, that is what I wanted to know. I naturally am waiting on pins and needles like all of you. However, I also have a grandson who I am trying to get interested in flight simulation. The first flight simulation should not be too discouraging for him or he may quit before he has a chance to find the enjoyment that can be had. Sounds like OFF 3 may be set to a learner level and I should purchase two copies. Come on CD's!! :jump: