AI aircraft from flyable aircraft?

Why do you want to do this?

What is steps are needed to make a duplicate AI aircraft from a flyable aircraft?


Usually this is done to use AI's that have fewer polygons and therefore greater numbers can be used such as large scale bomber missions or dogfights. It is a simple process:

Step 1 Make a new model and possibly call it ai_(here you can use the original name). Just copy and rename.

Step 2 You need to make a copy of the air file and rename it. I usually use the ai_ naming method. Get a hex editor (like this one: Hex-editor XVI32) and open up the airfile and find the entry (105) for aircraft type and change it from 1 to 2.

Step 3 Then copy the xdp and rename it to have the ai_ and open it up using notepad. You then need to rename the short and long names of the airplane using, yes you guessed it ai_..... Don't forget to rename the entry for model name to the name you gave the new model that you created in step 1

Step 4 Open the cfg (using notepad) and add this following the [fltsim.0] entry

title =Do_217_E4_F8GN
sim = ai_Do_217_E4_F8GN
model = ai_Do_217_E4_F8GN

Of course using the names you have made.

Step 5 delete the bdp files.

See this:
Naming ideas:




Top line in xdp:

LongName="ai_Do_217_E4_F8GN" ShortName="ai_Do_217_E4_F8GN" ModelName="ai_Do_217_E4_F8GN.m3d
LongName="Do_217_E4_F8GN" ShortName="Do_217_E4_F8GN" ModelName="Do_217_E4_F8GN.m3d"

I think that is it. Remember that the ai's will not be accessible in quick combat just for mission building. Good luck!
What is steps are needed to make a duplicate AI aircraft from a flyable aircraft?

Hi mrjmaint, IIRC some of ndicki's addons have a document in them with full instructions for creating AI aircraft. Possibly his fairey battle series? Also, if you look at the file structure in the ETO install for mk1 spits and hurris you will find (for example) a whole swag of ai spits under one aircraft folder. This is a very neat and tidy way of getting a whole passel of varied skins spawning in a campaign.

You will see that the naming convention that Nacht describes so well, is used.