AI and Flight Models


A few months back, I managed to reinstall FS for the first time in forever, and immediately re-caught the AI bug. Is everything flying everywhere it's meant to? Yep. Landing? For most of them, it's more of a Panther.

Or maybe where it's AI, that should be "Painthering".

So I figured the best idea would be to swap in some dedicated AI flight models, just correcting the contacts/lights sections. Which brings up questions:

1 - The two main issues with the AI landing are either slamming into the ground a half mile short of the runway (Alphasim's F-105 is a big culprit on this one), or not actually touching down till they've already passed half-to-3/4 of the runway (most of everything else). The other one, occasionally, is coming in to land on the right spot on the runway, but coming in too hard and immediately crashing/disappearing from the sim. Would switching to an AI flight model likely cause these flights to land properly?

2 - Are the default FDEs generally a good starting point for AI? IE, swapping the default 747 into a DC-10 or a B-52.

3 - How are the FDEs for MAIW in relation to proper landings? I don't have too much of a problem having an AI plane flying like something at least kind of close to it, so the F-105 problem could likely be fixed by using MAIW's F-4, and I've seen enough FDEs for enough modern planes to adapt them to whatever doesn't have an official FDE.

4 - Likewise, how are the FDEs for CalClassic's AI? I'm thinking of adapting some of them (like their Boeing 307/377 for some B-17/B-29 flights) assuming they'll land properly as well.

5 - Finally, can anyone recommend some good AI FDEs for WWII fighters (single and twin engine) and Korea-era jets?

Thanks for any help. Once this stuff gets sorted, then comes the one type of AI I never tried before...carrier a/c.
I don't have all of your answers, but think I've got a couple anyway.

1) It usually works for me.

2) I've used the default Learjet FM with jets like a Me 262, just changing the contact points and lights and it worked out pretty good as AI. Should work great for any jet. Some FMs that come with flyable aircraft work well as AI. You just have to try them and find out which ones. Mike Stones' aircraft usually make great AI with almost nothing to converting them.

3) I don't have MAIW so I can't answer about anything with them.

4) I do have the CalClassics propliner AI. I used their FM for the AI L749 Constellation with the FSDezign's L049 Constellation (changing the contact points and lights as usual) and it worked out great.

5) The default CFS 2 aircraft flight models can be used for WWII propfighters and as above the default Learjet for jets.

When I was playing with carrier AI, it was for WWII aircraft and I used a turboprop flight model with great success.
Thanks for the advice, Willy. I'd considered the the CFS2 air files, but wasn't too certain, since I've read some stuff about them needing some tweaks (I think they were supposed to be nose-heavy?) when swapped into FS9, but I'll give it a go.