AI bombers


I seem to note that AI bombers travel faster than the players ac, even if they are set at the same speeds. Is there a solution similar to ?Nigel ?Clive had for the fighters?
Under what circumstances? Are you flying to the target at full throttle? If the AI is cruising at a faster speed than you can go, I'd say the mission cruise speeds need to be reduced.
Well, some of the mission(s) is at full, although I could try and reduce it in a test mission to. say 85% and se what happens. It will of course effect timings based on historical info.
Wikipedia shows a difference of about 100 mph between cruise speed and top speed for a B-17. While it's not good enough data to base missions on, I'm sure that historically they were not flying to the target with throttles wide open. If your sources show the cruise speeds used, that would be the place to start. If in CFS3 you can't reach those speeds with mixture set correctly, then some adjustments need to be made to the aircraft.
Well a quick try of all B17s at 224 kts instead of 246 max showed the AI overtaking. Also the speed gauge never showed a speed of even 200 mph unless diving!


I am using a 'F' but speed specs for a 'G'

Empty: 32,720 lb (14,855 kg)
Normal Loaded: 49,500 lb (22,475 kg)
Maximum Overloaded: 60,000 lb (27,240 kg)

Maximum Speed: 295 m.p.h. (472 km/h) at 25,000 ft (7,625m)
Service Ceiling: 35,000 ft (10,670 m)
Normal Range: (normal fuel & max bombs), 1,100 miles(1,760 km) @ 220 mph (352 km/h) @ 25,000 ft (7,625 m)
Right, but my point is, if historically they weren't flying at top speed, and you use whatever the historical speed was for the mission, assumedly well below top speed, the AI wouldn't be going faster than you can keep up with. A much easier solution than trying to unravel the mysteries of how CFS3 treats the AI's FM.

Note the difference between true airspeed (what you're actually doing) and indicated airspeed (what the airspeed indicator says you're doing). Indicated airspeed is generally very close to true airspeed at sea level, and reads lower and lower the higher you go due to air density decreasing with altitude.
Right, but my point is, if historically they weren't flying at top speed, and you use whatever the historical speed was for the mission, assumedly well below top speed, the AI wouldn't be going faster than you can keep up with. A much easier solution than trying to unravel the mysteries of how CFS3 treats the AI's FM.

Note the difference between true airspeed (what you're actually doing) and indicated airspeed (what the airspeed indicator says you're doing). Indicated airspeed is generally very close to true airspeed at sea level, and reads lower and lower the higher you go due to air density decreasing with altitude.
1st para. "A much easier solution than trying to unravel the mysteries of how CFS3 treats the AI's FM." is beyond my abilities!

The mb speed in knots seems to bear no relationship the the in game speed, I imagine whether i a s or t a s. What I assume you are saying is that, at 20K feet or so, the gauge speed may accurately reflect an i a s < t a s. I will see what difference I get a different altitudes in clear weather.
So these are the i a s at 2,500, 10,000 and 20,000 at 83% throttle. Seems in line withwhat you said but ? t a s?
Now, I have no idea what the mission builder knot speeds represent.


  • 2500.png
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So part of the problem solved in that 'Z' gives TAS and the ac gauge gives IAS! That means setting the B17F at about 81-83% thrust will give a TAS around a mb setting of 200Kts. I will test a mission with ALL bombers at, say 200Kts and see if AI start to overtake.