AI Bombing runs



Just wondering if there is a way to get AI aircraft to respond to attack ground targets. I have tried every possible way I can think of in the mission builder and the only result I get is the aircraft flying around the target and never making any type of attack. Only rarely have I ever seen it happen. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sweeteye
Made a test mission with 6 camels attacking an infantry column with machine guns. Flew in Multiplayer so I could choose my position in the flight. Flew as flight leader and not one plane would give me any help. Flew the mission again in the #6 plane and the flight leader made the attack by himself, taking out 43% of the target. The rest of the planes stayed three miles back from the target.:help:
Did you command your wingmen to attack with the appropriate key? :engel016:
In campaigns, I haven't seen AI planes actually carry out attacks either. Mostly, the attack aircraft turn and run immediately on spotting bogeys in the far distance, so never come close to the target. On the rare occasions when there's no air activity en route, the AI attack planes still abort the mission without ever quite reaching the target itself.
I see craft attacking ground targets all the time, very odd...

Maybe use a campaign mission as an example to edit? look in missions\historical
I should have said this in my last post, the attack planes that run away en route are always friendly. Enemy AI attack planes continue with their mission, allowing me to try to stop them. But they also never actually carry it out. Just before reaching their presumed target, they just turn around and go home. No bombs ever dropped as far as I can tell.
Thanks all for the input. I have tried everything including giving wingmen commands. Not getting any consistency. It appears that the campaign missions are not showing in the folder where they should be. Can not find them at all. Do not know if I am getting a good install.
If you are the flight leader you will have to command the wingies to attack.

After you give the command, you need to have some patience...they don't usually make a an immediate bee-line to the target, but often make a round-about route to properly set up themselves up for a 'run'.