AI Carriers


Does P3D V4 accept AI Carriers and if so how do you get to work as I have had no luck.
Yes. I have been able to use without any issues.

Which version are you trying to use?
Where did you install it on your system?
What AI ships are you trying to use...and where did you install them?

Does P3D V4 accept AI Carriers and if so how do you get to work as I have had no luck.
Not sure on the version but 2 I think.

I have put it in my main P3D folder and trying to get the SDB Enterprise to work as well as the Nimitz. Unless of course I messed up the installation.

Is there a config enter for the Enterprise?
AI carriers yes, RFN Gauge no!

I've tried contacting Sylvain Parouty to find out if he is considering a 64-bit update, but have had no reply. I really hope he is! I'm filling my time with lots of other interesting flying in v4 for now, but there will come a time when I will just have to return to cats 'n' traps... at which point it could be the one thing which drives me away from v4!

Hi , I have running in V4 OK , I copied all AiCarriers fiel to a Folder AiCarruiers inside P3D root folder (have not tested with it outside but dont think it would not work), added an entry in the exe.xml in C:\Users\Your_ID\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 so my exe.xml looks like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8-BOM"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">
<Path>H:\Prepar3d V4\AICarriers\AICarriers.exe</Path>

(make sure you use something like Notepad ++ as it has to be in UTF8 format and Notepad may change it...)

Then I installed the uss_nimitz_uss_eisenhower_v2_fsx_p3d into a folder somewhere (your choice) that I called Nimitz_Carriers. (ended up with three folders inside Effects , Simobjects, Sound.

Then I created an xml file to tell P3D V4 where the nimitz carriers are without needing to put it in Simobjects\Boats as LM does not want anything in its root folder . Here is the XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SimBase.Document Type="AddOnXml" version="4,0" id="add-on">

where it says Path replace with the path to your Nimitz_Carriers folder complete up to the subfolder.. (three places).

Next in C:\Users\YOUR_ID\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons create a folder called Nimitz , in it save the xml file as add-on.xml (make sure you use notepad++ in UTF8)

Start P3D V4 , it should come up with a question Do you want to enable add-on Nimitz_Carriers?? (or whatever name you said in the add-on.xml section
<AddOn.Name>Nimitz_Carriers</AddOn.Name> , acept that and the sim will start . In the SIM menu look in ADD-ons and should see AI Ships , that means the exe.xml worked OK, open AI Ships and select one of the nimitz carriers , I do it at 1nm so I see it and confirm all works well... if it shows , you are done.. go flying and Safe Recovery!!

please let me know any rpoblems and will try to help..


PS Make sure your path and folder spelling is correct!!!!
I would be interested if anyone has found a way to make it work as it does in P3D V3...

AIcarriers2 (.net version) has been working perfectly fine for me.

I added the AI ships to the P3d "Boats" Folder.

I placed it in the Parent folder of my P3d4 installation (i.e.the "Lockheed Martin" folder) and then added the required entry to my EXE.XML file.

<Path>C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\AICarriers NET\AICarriers.exe</Path>

I just added the USS Oriskany to the .cfg file and it took 5 attempts to trap the A-7A on it....but it's working pretty well for me too.

You could add moe carriers from RFN with the same procedure , also unfortunately VLSO does not work as it is 32bit and RFN Gauge does'nt either again 32 bits and The CVN 65 from SDB is also 32 bits..

Help here most appreciated please

OK. Got to post #6 above and that just does my head in. Been around FS a while and made minor xml edits but the breezy "just create an xml file like so", etc etc, just does my head in. No idea why you need to do that or where it would go.

This I can almost follow:

AIcarriers2 (.net version) has been working perfectly fine for me. I added the AI ships to the P3d "Boats" Folder.

I placed it in the Parent folder of my P3d4 installation (i.e.the "Lockheed Martin" folder)
Yes, fine.

and then added the required entry to my EXE.XML file.
Huh? What? Nothing like this for FSX. Where, what says you need to add this step for V4? Importantly, where exactly do I find this "EXE.XML" file?

<Path>C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\AICarriers NET\AICarriers.exe</Path>

If I can do this step above, I think I could be in business!

Many thanks,

OK. Got to post #6 above and that just does my head in. Been around FS a while and made minor xml edits but the breezy "just create an xml file like so", etc etc, just does my head in. No idea why you need to do that or where it would go.

This I can almost follow:


Yes, fine.

Huh? What? Nothing like this for FSX. Where, what says you need to add this step for V4? Importantly, where exactly do I find this "EXE.XML" file?

<Path>C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\AICarriers NET\AICarriers.exe</Path>

If I can do this step above, I think I could be in business!

Many thanks,


You can do that if you want AI Carriers to start automatically with P3D, you had to do the same with FSX although the installer may have handled it automatically. Although all I do is double click the AICarriers.exe once I'm in P3D and it all works.
you had to do the same with FSX although the installer may have handled it automatically
No, it doesn't do it automatically, although the Readme has a how-to section for editing the exe.xml file, to add the appropriate section to make AICarriers start automatically. As may have been mentioned before, always, ALWAYS use NotePad to edit the exe.xml file (.cfg files too!). If you use a word processor it will add symbols to the file that make them unusable for FSX or P3D. You also ALWAYS make a back-up of any file before you edit it.
I don't know about P3D, as I don't have it, but for FSX, the exe.xml is found in C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX . At least on a Vista machine. Again, the Readme file has a section showing where the exe.xml file is located, for FSX, for the various OS's. I believe it's location is similar for P3D.
When adding the entry to the exe.xml file,

<Path>C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\AICarriers NET\AICarriers.exe</Path>

don't neglect the line
</Launch.Addon> as the last line of the entry. You didn't show it in your example in your last post, expat. Just a note.

Also, you must dl and install the correct .NET Framework. The correct version, and where to DL it from, are, again, included in the Readme file.

I placed it in the Parent folder of my P3d4 installation (i.e.the "Lockheed Martin" folder)
I've seen entries in the AICarriers forum over on the FSDT site that indicate that AICarriers must be installed within the root P3D folder, as shown, to function in P3D. I've also seen posts on other forums that contradict this. I always recommend installing it under the root P3D folder, just to be safe.

Although all I do is double click the AICarriers.exe once I'm in P3D and it all works.
I made a shortcut to the AICarriers.exe file on my desktop. That way I don't have to dig it up if I need to start it manually. I set the shortcut to start AICarriers as Administrator. Tends to prevent a lot of problems that can occur. Just a suggestion.

Hope all my babbling helps a little...
Install in Program Files

With Vista that may be ok. But due to Win 7, 8 and 10 having 'Permissions' installing ANYTHING to 'Program Files' is a mistake (ie- opinion...contradictions). Also note in #6 '\SimObjec ts' - the space between 'c' and 't' will cause path to not work.
Chuck B
Hi Chuck!
The example I showed was only that, an example. I whole-heartedly, 100%, agree with you about the Program Files directory. It should be avoided at all costs. Should have a big notification on it: KEEP OUT!

Hope that clears things up. Maybe as clear as mud now? :biggrin-new:
Sorry, still very confused. I have P3D4 in my D drive and downloaded the AI carriers 2 .NET zip and extracted it there. (Think I have the Java version installed in my C drive > Program Files (x86) etc.)

When I try to run the aicarriers.exe nothing happens but I think that is normal.

I think I can make the exe.xml edit BUT not at all clear where to find the file to amend it.

I don't know about P3D, as I don't have it, but for FSX, the exe.xml is found in C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FS X

When I look for an analogous path in the C drive for P3D, i.e., AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\ there then is no equivalent "PD3.cfg" and exe.xml files there. Where do I find this "exe.xml" to make the necessary changes?

One Snag

Seems once I exit the sim, no add ons appear after re launching PD3V4. I can only get it back by rebooting my pc. Is there a solution to this?
expat - I started using P3D v4 about 2 months ago and I've looked at numerous web pages, websites, etc., to find answers to the many questions I've had about the sim. One of the better resources I just discovered a couple days ago is the Prepar3D guide at Avsim ( I don't know if it will answer your questions, but it appears to have some file location and structure information. (I'm not an advocate of Avsim or anything like that (just a sim junkie), but you have to join Avsim in order to download the guide.)

(P.S. I just pulled up the guide and it has a good discussion about exe.xml on p.62 with some screenshots showing possible locations of that file. It says that if you have more than one exe.xml P3D will attempt to merge the 2!)