AI carriersII_N&E


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I was at Dino's blog site the other day and he said he had ai carriers2 working fine along with his T-45c, so I tried it for myself and got as far as seeing the listing for it but the page opens and says there are no listings for them. I have them in the cfg. file but no matter what I do it will not read them... Arrrggg ! Any suggestions !
Do you have AICarriers installed under the P3D folder, or outside of it? Including all the subfolders, files it installs with, and so on?
Are you using AICarriers.NET or the older, Java based version? I strongly recommend the NET version, as the older version doesn't seem to work very well with P3D.
If you ARE using the .NET version, are you sure you installed the correct .NET version it requires, as called for in the Readme?
When you installed the carriers into the AICarriers.cfg file, did you install them into that file, and if so, did you renumber them correctly? If you made a new file in the conf.d folder, did you start the numbering at 0 (zero) and not 1? If you don't, none of them will show up.
Did you add the AICarriers into the EXE.XML file, or are you starting it manually? If you are starting it manually, do you always make sure to start it as Administrator?
You didn't install any of it into C\Program Files or C:\Program File (X86)? If so, move it out to someplace, any place, else...
Remember, AIC is for carriers (and a lot of other boats as well), not for specific aircraft. If the boat in question is properly installed, it doesn't matter what plane you fly onto it after you place it with AIC. You can land Dino's T-45, then switch to the F7F-3, then to the FSDT F/A-18C. The boat you've placed with AIC will continue to sail blythely along, assuming you set it in motion properly with AICarriers.
Speaking of which, did you install the boats as necessary in the Readme that came with them?

Just trying to think of all the possibilities...
Do you have AICarriers installed under the P3D folder, or outside of it? Including all the subfolders, files it installs with, and so on?
Are you using AICarriers.NET or the older, Java based version? I strongly recommend the NET version, as the older version doesn't seem to work very well with P3D.
If you ARE using the .NET version, are you sure you installed the correct .NET version it requires, as called for in the Readme?
When you installed the carriers into the AICarriers.cfg file, did you install them into that file, and if so, did you renumber them correctly? If you made a new file in the conf.d folder, did you start the numbering at 0 (zero) and not 1? If you don't, none of them will show up.
Did you add the AICarriers into the EXE.XML file, or are you starting it manually? If you are starting it manually, do you always make sure to start it as Administrator?
You didn't install any of it into C\Program Files or C:\Program File (X86)? If so, move it out to someplace, any place, else...
Remember, AIC is for carriers (and a lot of other boats as well), not for specific aircraft. If the boat in question is properly installed, it doesn't matter what plane you fly onto it after you place it with AIC. You can land Dino's T-45, then switch to the F7F-3, then to the FSDT F/A-18C. The boat you've placed with AIC will continue to sail blythely along, assuming you set it in motion properly with AICarriers.
Speaking of which, did you install the boats as necessary in the Readme that came with them?

Just trying to think of all the possibilities...

Boy I sure appreciate your effort in helping me out, I had read through all the read me's and installed all the correct programs into their respectfully correct paths, but apparently over looked the xml. code that needed to be placed in %app data%\Microsoft\FSX\...etc. Once I did that and then ran the sim, I also started the exe. version and wha-la it works just fine. I guess I jumped the gun a little.
Thank You very much !!!


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One other thing I should mention though, I had the ships underway and was not able to see any wake. I'm going to be working on that that soon.
That's a great list of troubleshooting questions, Pat.

In the images just above after you got it working trowelmaster what is the source of the HUD view? What aircraft/panel??
Glad I could help get you up and running. Swimming?? Well, anyway...

Do a google for WAKE FSX.
There's a set of wakes made by someone I can't recall the name of now to make it all better.
I'll search my files for the zip file name. I've got so bloody many by now...
Hope this might help a little.

The VDO wake files are in a file named I've been looking all over and can't seem to find where I downloaded them from. It's not a very big file (8K). If you send me a PM I can either try to send it to you or email it to you. If you desire.
It requires editing the individual ship's sim.cfg to make them use these files vice the old ones. I can run you through that if you want. It's an easy edit. Just have to change the name of the effect file. You also need to make sure you use the right file for the right type of ship. Given the way they are named, that is also easy to do :D
There is a fix out specifically for P3D wakes, but seems to be specifically for wakes that go straight up into the sky, not not be there at all, so I don't know how well, if at all, it will work for your problem.

Does this help at all?
That's Jivko Rusev's HUD, unmodified. He made some changes to it to add in more carriers, but that was some time ago, and to size it correctly for Dino's planes. No updates from Mr. Rusev since, although Orion has updated it for the FSDT F/A-18C v16.1. All he did was change the display slightly though. He didn't add any carriers. I can ask him if he can and/or will, but he's pretty busy this time of year, and may take a while to respond, and he may not be willing to alter that much. If so, do you have a list of carriers you might want added in? I'm not saying he will, but it doesn't cost a penny to ask :)
By the way, the F/A-18 HUD will also work in other planes, but like I say, it's kinda been specialized a bit. Shouldn't affect it very much for other plane's though. Worth a try, any way :)
The hardest part to using either HUD in another plane is sizing it correctly for the 3D panel. Just putting it in as a 2D pop-up is actually pretty easy.
Hope this helps something...