AI collision problem


Charter Member
Hi,I set up an aircraft carrier with afcad,and Ttools,and it has limited space for taxi ways,anyways one of the AI planes when it starts it's taxi has to go' through the plane to the left of it to get to the runway ,and looks very unrealistic is there a way of having the plane to the left depart earlier before the plane to the right in order to avoid collision. Thanks:icon_lol:
Just assign different parking codes to your AFCAD to matching codes in your aircraft, and make them depart in that order in the flight plan.
You do all this using AFCAD

OK, thanks. I fixed the problem,but I am still kind of lost when it comes to the order of departure,and parking.:salute:
Yes sorry I meant you do the parking codes for aircraft and on the ground in AFCAD, the flight departures you would use Traffic Tools.
