AI gunners on JU88



Hello all,
first off i would like to say what an excellent add-on ETO is and my hats off to all involved :ernae:

Although i wondered as last mission, i was flying gunner position in a JU88 we just took out a nice fat factory in South England and on our way back across the channel got bounced by p47s.. it seemed that i was the only one that fired back the whole time.. is this normal the whole group would just follow and commence to be chewed up, i would have thought the AI gunners on the other bombers would have responded as soon as they came within range? a bug possibly or something im possibly doing wrong.. anyways some input would be greatly appreciated :ernae:

Hi Blue781,

I've found that settings in the aircraft xdp file seem to affect AI gunnery. sometimes they are set up to avoid the "sniper effect". however that means that if you take the gunner's role you will not enjoy the protection of other effective gunners.

Take a look at the "rate limit" setting in your Ju88's .xdp file. These control the rate at which the defensive guns can pan and track incomoing enemy a/c. A setting of 60 is pretty lethal, so try that for all the defensive guns. Only apply it to those with "trainable=1", as these are the only guns that can pan and track.

Thanks for the input, ill give that a try ..:ernae:

Cheers from snowy Berlin