AI not descending


I haven't had any luck elsewhere so I'm asking an AI question here. Certain ai refuse to land at KVBG Vandenberg, specifically an ai Beechjet400 will fly the route, descend to about 3300ft a few miles out then hold that altitude and fly right past. Other ai work OK. When I put the 200 into another flightplan it worked fine. So my question is which parameter(s) can I play with to fix this? I added an assortment of parking spots as bait and tried different pattern and cruise altitudes. It's no biggie but I'd like to learn more about ai and the strange quirks they can display. Thanks for any ideas.
I.F.R or V.F.R problem possibly, if flightplan is set to VFR and airport is set to IFR only or vice - versa?


There are a few things that can catch you out ...
If the problem is "no suitable parking available" they usually touch down then disappear.
Overflying could mean the runway is too short for the type, or it could be the scheduling.
The AI engine adds something like 20 minutes to an arrival time, to allow for taxying in and out. If that revised departure time would mean a late arrival at the next destination, the plane will skip KVBG and proceed to the next destination.
If you listen to the ATC you might get some clues.
The best place to learn AI is still the TrafficTools readme. Search for Lee Swordy TTools at the usual places - it is freeware.

Hope this helps.
Thanks all. Well, I think the density is 100% and it's Vandenberg so it's one big long runway. I was changing VFR and IFR with no effect but I will recheck the flightplan times. I did change KVBG to a nearby municipal and everything worked, it's just something with Vandenberg. C5s and C17s work fine so it is a puzzler, but then much about ai is exactly that.
Thanks all. Well, I think the density is 100% and it's Vandenberg so it's one big long runway. I was dxt nging VFR and IFR with no effect but I will recheck the flightplan times. I did change KVBG to a nearby municipal and everything worked, it's just something with Vandenberg. C5s and C17s work fine so it is a puzzler, but then much about ai is exactly that.

Try checking what parking spot allocation is for the Beechjet, maybe you have only military spots available at KVBG,
and Beechjet is set up as civil jet.
Think this can be set via afcad aircraft editor,parking is a one line entry in aircraft .cfg file.

