AI phantoms deployment question


Charter Member
I am relatively new to fs2004 and i downloaded some phantom ai sets hoping to see them around the runway or even flying next to me if possible.I placed the aircraft folder in aircraft folder,texture in texture folder but how and where in the control panels do i manage them?
Ai aircraft are not really flyable, but rather are "scenery" items. They require proper airport "AFCADS" which are parking/taxiway/runway "tracks" as in invisible train tracks. They must also have flightplans made for them. Each of these are kept in other folders, and made with special tools made for those purposes. They also usually do not show up in the "Choose Aircraft" menu, unless the "airfile" has been coded to allow them to show.

If the Phantoms you got were actually textures, with no models, they won't show, either. The best way to learn ai is to start with a package deal, which includes all the parts needed to have them show up. There are lots of these packages available. MAIW is the premier modern military group. They are also very helpful in explaining how things work. You must sign up for their forum, like you did here. (In fact, all forums require registration.)

Once you get going with ai, it can become very addicting, but lots of fun.