AI pilot missing


Charter Member
Hallo everybody,

some ai models, particularly those of the MS406, do not have pilots. That happens most of the times but not always. I tried two things without success:

1. I added the cockpit to the ai version
2. I edited the station name in the xdp file from "pilote" to "pilot"

In a regular game, this is not very important. Sometimes I like to watch the AIs sitting in the back of e.g. a ME110 and then its a bit silly to see the models without a pilot.

What could be the reason for this?

View attachment 77984 View attachment 77983
Hi Oki :wavey:,

Which model is it in particlular?

It may be that the ai was modelled especially in gmax and that the pilot0 node was omitted (this should be attached to the external model so adding a cockpit won't help).

Try putting a standard player flyable .m3d in place of the ai version.
The ai version is the same m3d. Interesting phenomenon that I'd never noticed either...

You could always add a pilot figure as a payload in the ai loadout.
The particular model I am referring to in my message is the


The problem here is that in some models the pilot is sometimes visible and sometimes not, even after reloading the models repeatedly. May be it would be a good idea for models with that behaviour to add the pilot as a loadout (how is that done?) rather than looking further for an explanation. I saw it occasionally in various Hurricane and MS406 versions.
I have a vague recollection of this coming up back in the old days, and seem to remember that it had something to do with MipMap levels or viewing distance.