AI radio chatter mod questions


Charter Member
Hi all,

In ETO 1.50, I'm having a lot of trouble with the radio chatter mod.

I'm able to get a "Cleared for take-off" or a "Cleared for landing", but no aircraft radio chatter messages such as "I'm taking hits" or "Tally-ho!" or anything that an AI aircraft would say.

I believe I'm using the latest version that came with BoB and the sounds.xml from ETO 1.50.

Does anyone know of a possible fix for this?

The second question I have is would it be possible to create a facility that spawns saying "RADAR reports bandits in your sector" and have the AI aircraft state where they are in relation to the players position? IE "Bandits! 3 O'clock high!" or "Bandits! Two O'clock low!"

Similar to how the AI would give radio messages in the original CFS.

I'd even like to add in ground attack messages such as "Stay low to avoid the flak!" or "Ground targets spotted!"

Is there any possible way to implement something like that?

The good thing about CFS3 is we can pretty much do anything we want with it!

Regards and many thanks,

In answer to your first question, you must be using chatter enabled aircraft in the mission you are flying. There have to be friendly and enemy versions. Chatter is added as a gun firing effect (for enemy planes only -help me!, a damage effect (both friendly and enemy -I got him, or I'm taking hits), and a speed triggered effect (enemy only -randomized battle chatter). The mods are made in the aircraft's xdp, check the chatter package you downloaded for examples.

Facilities that send messages are possible and are set up like the takeoff and landing effects. When I designed the chatter mod I tried this and just couldn't get it to work as reliably. Mainly because you have to fly close to the facility and the AI has to "fire" the message at or near you for you to hear it. Adding chatter effect to mid -mission events is much harder to control. It was fairly easy to get the takeoff and landing to work. But yes, the technique can be used to send any message you can think of, getting it to work reliably in a mission may be a challenge though.

Having the AI send you messages about events relative to your position will not work. The chatter mod has no awareness of anything that is actually going on. The kinds of chatter you want for this are included in the speed triggered random battle chatter attached to enemy aircraft. You will hear it when in a dogfight and aircraft are maneuvering and changing speeds.

In a way it is more realistic, because not every call or warning is directed to you. Chances are when somebody says "three o'clock high" that there is a bandit at SOMEONE'S three o'clock high, you just don't know whose. The same as when you hear "Break! Break! Break!" - someone is being fired on, and it could be you. Think of it as poor AI radio discipline. I've read enough accounts to know that discipline was often poor and when somebody yelled "break!" EVERYONE responded. You didn't want to assume it wasn't for you.
Hi Gecko,

I checked what version of chatter-equipped aircraft I'm using, and they're the most recent.

Still, there is no aircraft chatter effect. Just ground chatter.

I tried copying over the sounds.xml from BoB and I'm still not getting any AI radio chatter.

Any solutions?



PS I managed to find a work around for ground messages! Mostly involves creating facilities and vehicles that only "fire" at the player once
In ETO missions and QC I get airplane chatter but I've never heard "cleared for take-off/landing". Is it only certain missions or airfields, or is a mod I have to add? Seems like CFS1 had it in every mission.
Like i said, I'm getting ground chatter messages, but no airborne chatter messages.

I did check the effects.xml and these are the chatter lines that I have:

<snd_pilotkill ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="ac_damage_pilot/pilot_break" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="1" MaxDistance="5000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<fx_pilotkill ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="snd_pilotkill"/>
<fx_chatterB ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="snd_chatterB"/>
<fx_chatterA ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="snd_chatterA"/>
<fx_chatterG ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="snd_chatterG"/>
<snd_chatterB ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio_battle_chatter_b/chatter_b" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="6000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<snd_chatterA ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio_battle_chatter_b/chatter_a" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="6000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<snd_chatterG ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio_battle_chatter_b/chatter_g" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="6000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<fx_takeoff_b ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="snd_take_off_b"/>
<snd_take_off_b ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio/take_off_b" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="20000" MaxDistance="20000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<fx_landing_b ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="snd_landing_b"/>
<snd_landing_b ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio/landing_b" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="20000" MaxDistance="20000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<fx_takeoff_g ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="snd_take_off_g"/>
<snd_take_off_g ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio/take_off_g" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="20000" MaxDistance="20000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<fx_landing_g ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="snd_landing_g"/>
<snd_landing_g ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio/landing_g" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="20000" MaxDistance="20000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<snd_KillG ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio/KillG" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="6000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<snd_HelpG ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio/HelpG" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="6000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<snd_HitG ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio/HitG" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="6000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<snd_KillB ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio/KillB" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="6000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<snd_HelpB ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio/HelpB" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="6000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<snd_HitB ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio/HitB" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="6000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<snd_KillA ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio/KillA" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="6000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<snd_HelpA ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio/HelpA" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="6000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<snd_HitA ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio/HitA" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="6000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<snd_scream ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="snd_ScreamL"/>
<snd_ScreamL ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="radio/Scream" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="6000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>

Is there a chance that more are missing? Again, I'm able to get take-off and landing chatter but no radio chatter from aircraft like there are in BoB

