night some time ago, I downlodaed from somewhere a bunch of AI packs that included planes, afcads and traffic.bgl's for all kinds of airlines and pretty much covering the globe. Like an idiot, after installation, I neglected to keep any of the zips w/ the readme's. Does any one know of what I speak and where I can find them? They were a lazy guys dream...easy install w/o having to use any other tools or installers.
The planes are all prefaced with;AIA_,AIEU_,AIUS_, etc.....all I know is I'd like to find the rest of the packs cuz they populate the skies in FS9 quite nicely. mid
The planes are all prefaced with;AIA_,AIEU_,AIUS_, etc.....all I know is I'd like to find the rest of the packs cuz they populate the skies in FS9 quite nicely. mid