AI Traffic Question


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I've been playing around with my AI traffic and have got rather peeved in that I only seem to be able to make flights go from airport to airport following pretty much a straight line between the points. Is there any way you can set up waypoints?
I guess it could be done with "dummy" afcads but that is time consuming and rather inelegent. I was looking at Heli Traffic and it appears you can set waypoints in that - is there anything out there that does the same for aeroplanes?

Well, Kurt...the simple answer is...not really. You can write a flightplan to include a 'fake' waypoint, and have the aircraft do an approach and go missed; Then the aircraft will proceed to the next waypoint. That is the only way to have aircraft really follow waypoints...HTH
Thanks Chaps - I thought that was the case. If you go down the IFR route can you force the aircraft to take in particular nav aids?

Not reall, Kurt. You could make your own (in the form of invisible airports). The Ai in MSFS is designed to fly a great circle routing so the only 'control' you have over them is the flight plan you write; and if a waypoint is what you are after, crack open Afcad and give it a run! It works great!
If the waypoint is outside the "visble" radius of the start point (which is about 40km but unfortunately not a constant) then a simple entry in the flightplan's airports.txt file will suffice.
I think it has to be at 1500ft or higher...don't ask. :d
Thanks again chaps. I thought about the airport/afcad route but wasn't overly keen bur it seems its the only way to go.

All the best
And here is another anamoly. If you "follow" some aircraft for their entire flight, they will often miss some points given by control. Don't ask.:kilroy: