AI Turkish Stars



if anyone is interested there is a new Turkish Stars package ready for download on my site complete with flight plan :salute:

I'm interested.Thank you sir :salute:

If you plan on any more of the worlds demo teams I can think of one or two :icon_lol:

if anyone is interested there is a new Turkish Stars package ready for download on my site complete with flight plan :salute:

Excellent! ...and your site is?


Edit: found it already from your public profile. Thank you!
Beautifull! Any chance you could do some retro 1980's USAF white T-38 and T-37 paints? Just a thought.
if i can find the time :isadizzy: what with all the other bits n bobs i'm working on :salute: check my site for clues ?
if i can find the time :isadizzy: what with all the other bits n bobs i'm working on :salute: check my site for clues ?

I knew MAIW was going to do an A-7 retro package, but I'm really liking the F-104 that's on your home page. I'm assuming that's MAIW, also, but with your paint.
Bone, the F104 has nothing to do with MAIW, its a project i've been asked to work on, and hopefully i will release it soon :applause: