I dug a little deeper and found references on the Navy's two Fairchild camera planes (I first thought there was just one,) an FC-2 designated XFQ-1, and an F71 designated XF2Q-1. Alas, the texture mapping makes it impossible to paint them accurately in the Navy's colors of the time, since in those days the stabilizer tops were yellow, and it's impossible to paint the top and bottom different colors; there is only one pair of stab surfaces on the textures and they color both top and bottom. Worse, a mapping error makes it impossible to paint one of the ailerons different colors on the top and bottom, even though the textures supposedly provide for that. I'm tempted to live with the bottoms of the stabilizers the wrong color, or to make the tops silver, on speculation that the planes remained in service a few years, until the Navy removed the yellow from the stab tops, (and that they bothered to repaint the stabs on these one-off types that were never procured for service use.) But the yellow bottom on one aileron, or even on both, looks just to weird to me. I only tested the F-71 model, and today I will see if the glitch is repeated on the FC-2, but since the basic textures are the same, I expect to find that the mapping is the same as well. I hope the glitch isn't repeated, because the plane would look great in overall silver with yellow on top of the wings, and maybe on the top of the stabilizers, and the red-white-blue rudder. We'll see...
EDIT: I did the experiments and found that the mapping errors on the FC-2 models are even worse than on the F71. On the FC-2 both sides of both flaps are mapped to one side of one flap on the texture files, along with the same mapping glitch on the ailerons as on the F71. So we can't have a Navy XFQ-1 or XF2Q-1 skin.