Air Time



when is the next time there will be some online airtime I can get in on?
I'm itchin' to get flying. :icon31:

~S~ anbu,

You could have flown last night at the 45th. I figured you were looking for 1100.

Saturday at 7:30 pm Eastern Time Zone at the ACP. 1100 should be there, it is Frankydog night. m, has given you the information on the ACP site.

Hope to see you there.

There is a reasonable chance I may find my way into the air Saturday night, if you gentlemen wouldn't mind a little company.

Out to be more fun if we can put more lead in the air.

On a serious note, what do you suppose happened to the untold hundreds of thousands of bullets that were fired by aircraft during the war. I was just pondering how much energy a .50 BMG round would have if it were fired level from 20,000 feet, by the time it hit the ground. Heaven forbid a 20mm or 40mm round. :isadizzy: