Airbase CTD


Made an updated airbase for 1943 but always CTD!:banghead: Can't see anything wrong. I guess only Clive and Joost left with airbase knowledge.:wavey: Also not showing up in the mb?

In "airfields_RAF: as "Church Fenton"

mos files TOW_Church-Fenton_airbase.mos and TOW_Church-Fenton_airbase_winter.mos both show up in mos editing

Facility TOW_Church-Fenton_airbase.xml <Facility Type="RAF Church Fenton 12 Gp Fighter" Flags="isAirbase" OuterDistance="9001">

Global layer
TOW Church-Fenton airbase ......... Church Fenton chu560 12 Grp Sector Airfield

qclocations =
<City Name="RAF Church Fenton">
<Airbase ID="chu560" Lat="N53*49'0.0000" Lon="W1*12'59.9998" Terrain="CFS3Europe" GlobalLayer="CFS3Europe1943"/>

cutscenes =
<Cutscene FileName="u_pregame_2.xml"/>
As I always like to say what the issue was, after a wasted number of hours I replaced the facility xml content with a similar more generic version and it worked. That meant replacing the generic with the specific contents bit by bit. In the process I discovered the most likely cause was a double " on a line like so "".:banghead:

That in the end was the probable cause, as all works fine now! I have had similar issues before and looking at an old thread of mine gave me a hint!
My only suggestion if this is ETO is to delete and start from the beginning; or put the current install elsewhere.