Aircraft _r, _s etc. textures

Pat Pattle

Hi all,

I don't know if I ever knew this (or knew and have forgotten), how does one apply the _r and _ s textures etc. to aircraft in gmax please.

In the material you are working with there is a option in the the maps drop down to add several maps. One is reflection just select the box and then the map. You can fiddle with the number next to the selection box to get it right in game. The same for the specular level not color! Just select the box grap the map and done. I grapped this from the web so ignore the red circle. In the end you will have diffuse color, specular level, and flection checked with maps for each. good luck I tried the reflection route once for a no paint plane and it was tough. Not sure the meshes supplied with the game the p47 in particular has a reflection map
Brilliant! Thanks Ted! I did know that but have forgotten. Too much vino under the bridge, no doubt.

The SDK P47 has the _s texture mapped.

Cheers! (y)