Here's my second attempt at AI, Ascension Island, Wideawake AB.
All I did was add some parking using AFCAD, taxiways, etc, based on google earth and photographs. I then added some buildings etc. using EZScenery, but that's not neccessary for the AI, just the parking and taxiways, adding a tower frequency helps for ATC, done with AFCAD. I had some help from our Tom Clayton to make the hills beside the runway better, thanks Tom.
I then used TTools and YRoute to add some of my own AI, you can add to the stock traffic file, or create a new one (best option, easier to remove/undo). Alphas Belslow, Vulcan and Victor, DM's VC10, will add hercs, Harriers, scouts, wasps, etc later and want to add a nice ski jump carrier off-shore, Illustrious stopped off on route IIRC.
All I did was read the manuals, and started by editing a the stock file (back it up first) After I got to grips with it, I made a few of my own from scratch.
The easiest option would be to see if someone else has already made some traffic files that suit your requirements, failing that, it's make your own I'm affraid. Maybe if it's something quite simple, someone might make it for you?